Hi Everyone,
October 2015 I made a decision enough was enough time to lose the fat. I joined the gym but the food was failing me. Gym manager put myfitnesspal app on my food great help.
Then I fell upon this site and over a short period of time this advice helped me get to where I'am now.
Weak, not weak just human. It takes months to get your mind trained to ignore the bad food. I can now go down the chocolate/biscuit/crisp/cake section to buy my husbands stuff and not bother myself. Not saying once in a while I don't have the odd biscuit just not the whole pack.
If you have a weak day tomorrow just work harder.
Never say 'I can't eat that' you will want it more, so every Thursday when I have my Uncle for tea I take him to the cake shop and also treat myself but only if I fancy it.
When you fancy something look at the cals/ carbs and fat then wonder what you could have instead for less. You will be amazed how quick your mind works out and does it automatic.
Use this site the people are amazing. Big thank you.
Good luck to all.