So my gym has just had this fancy new machine delivered which you stand on and hold these metal things and it measures all your bits and bobs, body fat, muscle, metabolic age etc etc. My results are very surprising, when I calculated my BMI before, I am obese, this machine takes into account muscle vs fat and I am actually solid build not obese, I was quite surprise of how much muscle I do have. It also gave me a metabolic age of 47!!! I am 32! So this was disappointing, I need to up my cardio to better this score. And finally my BMR score is 8 out of 24, this is basically the rate in which your body burns the fuel you put in so mine is very low. This shows my months and months of 1,000-1,300 calories has messed up my system and I am not burning off as much as I should be hopefully the last week and a half of eating 1,800 calories has started to move this. I will go on the machine again in 2 weeks and see where I have improved. All very scientific but very useful and interesting. Just goes to show, cutting calories doesn't always work and we all should be eating to fuel our bodies with tasty, healthy food!
Very interesting.......: So my gym has... - Weight Loss Support
Very interesting.......

Very interesting. I am looking forward to,hearing about your progress next time.

Oh my goodness.. I would be scared to death of it!!
Katieanne1984, it sounds very similar to the machine that they have been using on the BBC1 programme entitled 'How to stay Young' - part 2 tonight!
You are absolutely right, cutting too hard for too long causes your body to hold onto every single calorie. I think your strategy sounds good. Will be interesting to see the results. James

Wow what an interesting machine! I look forward to seeing how the changes you're making will adjust those stats . Sounds like you've get a good approach - increase your metabolism first otherwise it's all a losing battle. Good luck!
So 2 weeks has flown by and I have re measured/weighted my self. My weight has stayed pretty much the same, but my fat mass has reduced and my muscle mass increased. Everything else remains the same. Normally I would have gotten really dishearten after eating right and working out constantly and not seeing any difference in my weight but this time around I am actually quite happy I have lost fat and replaced it with muscle. Going in the right direction.......