Hi! After reading stories on Healthunlocked I have been inspired to begin my own journey to improve my currently non exsistent fitness.
I stumbled apon a GCN indoor bike workout on youtube and decided to give it a go.Normally when I actually used my indoor bike I got bored within 10 minutes and wanted it to all be over and done with. Turns out this 30 minute HIT session is actually really fun and the time flew by. I think intervals must have made it more interesting than aimlessly biking at the same pace for 30 minutes if I managed that long.
So I had to do this:
5 min warm up
2 x 30 sec sprint, 3 min normal
1 x 30 sec sprint, 2.5 min normal
2 x 30 sec sprint, 2 min normal
3 x 30 sec sprint, 1.5 min normal
6 min cooI down
Im so happy I managed all the sprints without stopping (apart from my foot flying off the pedal as they dont have straps) and am now exhausted. Hopefully in a month or two I can do it at a harder resistance but for now this is hard enough! Apparently cycled 17.25km too!