Week 5: Weighed in this morning and I've... - Weight Loss Support

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Week 5

3 Replies

Weighed in this morning and I've lost 7.6lbs. The weight gain I was experiencing on my return from holiday I assume had to do with bloating, water retention etc. 

Before I went on holiday I was focused on my exercise and health eating and after coming back the calorie change must have put me back in weightloss mode. I am quite fulfilled by this and half through, I have reached and surpassed my goal of 6lbs by week 6! 

If you've followed my posts I've had many weeks that my weight has fluctuated. I was consistent and kept eating right and exercising regardless. I've learned so far how important it is to keep a positive attitude and to understand that it is a journey. 

I'm going to get myself new workout gear and do my food shop after my dental check to this morning. 

Have a happy and healthy week. 

3 Replies
elliebath profile image

Good for you. You're quite right, dont be put off by a little weight fluctuation.....I know that's  easier said than done for many, but you're proving that as long as you stay on the horse you'll reach your destination! 

That's a fantastic loss and despite your fluctuations you are maintaining a healthy regime. I couldn't agree more that a positive attitude - PMA - is so important. Brilliant!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Well done and great advice.  I think the scales can sometimes not do what we want them to do and it is tempting to throw in the towel and give up.  Keep on eating sensibly and exercising and the weight WILL come off!

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