Its been 7 months now that this weight has come on, and at the beginning I thought 'ill diet one week and ill have lost it all'. Now here I'm even bigger then when I first realised I gained weight.
I've started about 6 diets in this time, none of which I completed.
So today I'm starting again.
New month, new beginning.
I've combined the duke diet with calorie counting and the 150 minute plan for Joe Wicks.
I will have finished the attack phase in 5 days, so May 5th. Hopefully i will have lost 1kg by them.
Im thinking of weighing myself then but at the same time I'm not sure if i should not and limit the scale to one a week or every 2 weeks. Any suggestions? I'm not really sure what works for me, sometimes it motivates me other times it makes me eat more.
I weighed myself this morning but i cant remember what it was. It should be around 43.8 or so, thats what I've been all week.
Hopefully by the end of this I will be 46.5 kg. ----THATS THE GOALLLL!!!!!
So i was thinking it might be easier for me to stick to the diet if I wrote a dairy entry about how I felt that day.
I apologise in advice as you will be seeing a lot of me.
I'm not good at opening up with my feelings especially my weight struggle so my family wont be of much use and I've decided not to tell my friends, or anyone apart from my mum tbh, because I've realised that actually demotivates me.
so here goes for my diary...
This is day one.
In the morning right until 4 (when i went ti the supermarket) i was absolutely fine. then i can more and ate 3 times what i planned to. and the craving wasn't going away.
So now I've decided dinner is out of the question. I'v counted my calories and I only have 50 left for the day. Im saving it for some tea.
Other than that i feel completely fine and energetic.
Will have an early night so i can study well in the morning and because its healthy for all of me, my weight, skin, mind, humour.
Please do tell me about your diets and how things are going for you. I'd love to hear your stories!