Hi all, I am new here. I thought I was doing okay losing around 1 lb a week. Been to see my diabetic nurse only to be told I need to be losing a stone a month (3.5 lbs a week). I feel this is unachievable for me as I struggle some days as it is. Feeling really down Anyone else been told the same as I feel it's too much long term?
Maximum weekly loss?: Hi all, I am new... - Weight Loss Support
Maximum weekly loss?

Hey! Hope you don't mind me asking, but what weight are you at now, and what do you need to get to? I always thought that 1-2 lbs per week was the recommended loss rate, but I don't know if that differs depending on how much you need to lose.
I am very overweight and need to lose 10 stone 😢. I saw an article on diabetic meds that also help weight loss and asked if I could be prescribed it when I attended the diabetic clinic. Apparently it's not cheap and was told no, but I was persistent and it was agreed I could have it on a monthly basis. No weight loss = no repeat prescription. I really thought the nurse would be pleased or even indifferent to the 4lb weight loss, but feel so deflated and pressurised now. I too thought slow weight loss was advisable with so much to lose. Feel like giving up already one month in.
Don't give up! I can imagine it's certainly really daunting for you, and at times it will certainly feel like you're making no progress, but when I feel like that I always try to come back to the fact that weight loss is fundamentally about calorie deficit.
You've got a significant amount to lose - but this is not impossible! Your body is going to burn more calories than the average person just to maintain itself (which is maybe why she's recommending a greater loss rate), so if you can be even a little more active a day, this will help. I don't know how you do with your food intake, or what sorts of food you're eating, but getting into the healthy mindset does not happen overnight.
There will inevitably be people the nurse sees who will lose the initial weight much easier than you, but this does not take away from what you're doing. You should be really proud that you've started the journey, and see that 4 lbs as a first mini victory for you.
As you find out what works for you in terms of eating and activity, I am sure you will see the weight loss rate improve!!
Thats a lot of weight too lose a stone a month...are you sure strict and my.max is about 6pounds a month and that is cutting it down to bear....too much of you to do that
go with what you are comfatable with...you need your energy levels aswell hun...you are doing brillant at weight loss well done...not let it disheart you....she should be singing your praises how well you are doing....its hard work dieting ...a long hard road.....xxxx
I agree with Bigfattoe that everyone is different, It seems like a mountain to climb but you will do it.
I was nearly nineteen stone in October last year and have type 2 diabetes and hypertension, so decided to do something about it. I set myself some really hard goals and told everyone about it so there was no going back. Everyone is different though. I found it very hard the first three weeks then it got easier, i didn't weigh myself until Christmas and I had lost two stone. I was on a low calorie diet (1,500 per day) I ate what I liked however counted calories each day. I am now Fifteen and a half and well on to my target weight of Fourteen stone. It gets better when you see little differences and it spurs you on to do more.
Don't see it as a diet but a new way of life and it becomes a longer term goal.
Good luck with everything.
I am doing my own healthy cash diet day 4 and this morning 3.6lb achieved (600-700cal a day). I am using sugar free jellies as treats
to be honest I am finding it easy so far, ask me in a fortnight
I actually need to lose 7 stone if the BMI is to be believed but seeing as i was a superfit 10stone and a happy healthy 12 stone, I am aiming for that 3 stone loss
I am only 5 foot tall
Luckily, as I have never been a sweet thing eater (so the jellies are a treat and change) and although very overweight, OK obese, possibly morbidly, my blood glucose is fine because I have never been a snacker either, famous last words
So if you have to do it you can, just take all the carbs out, very lean meat or fish 125g portions and add loads of veg, picked veg, sugarfree jelly and gum, no alcohol and only skimmed milk, no cheese or butter type spreads. I don't move much either and rarely leave home so. Go for it you can do it
PS with a shed load to lose i want to shift as much as possible in as short a time as possible so i can hopefully start moving around a bit more, without causing further damage to my joints
There was a very interesting program on the BBC a little while ago, where a doctor stayed with a family and advised on their health problems. One man with type 2 diabetes managed to reduce his weight and his medication by cutting out all sugar, processed foods (wheat) and dairy. He also had some fasting days. The doctor advised him to get his blood sugars under control as quickly as possible.
This is a newspaper article on the program.
Hiya, she seems a very callous nurse! You need encouragement to lose weight, not be expected to achieve ' a stone a month! ' I think its unrealistic personally. I have days/weeks when I struggle, so I'd be totally stressed if that was expected of me! Good luck with your weight loss anyway! 😊
I agree with jesterpuss...take it steady one day at each time...you do it...but your target weight will come..be positive and keep going at your pace....if you lose it quickly chances are you put it all back on....steady all the way....good luckxx
I have been losing weight with slimming world ( first 12 weeks paid by my health trust) at approx 2 pounds a week sometimes i dont lose any or i gain but since i started I have lost a total of 3 stone .1 to 2 lbs a week is the recommended amount you should lose as your body gets used to this you will find your body will sustain it more than if you lose more pounds each week.
I am a diabetic insulin controlled type 2 .Before I started with SW i was injecting 210 units a day i am now down to 50 units a day .I feel a lot better for it .
3.5 lbs. a week is not healthy or reasonable. I'd ask someone else besides that particular nurse what they think is reasonable. Try a Dr., nurse or some other responsible person in that same agency to see if you're getting a personal opinion from just 1 nurse. Please don't let that bother you because it's not a healthy goal and not sustainable. You're more likely to keep it off if you lose it more slowly. I'm just repeating what's common knowledge among several professionals that I've spoken with. Take care.
Well you will lose what you lose. But at the beginning of a diet and with the amount you have to lose, I wouldn't be surprised if you did lose a stone in your first month. Point out to her that Feb is a shorter month than usual! If you were not dieting before you started the diet pills or the diet, then I would expect you to lose liquid and glycogen for the first week or so and then fat. Just go for it and see what happens. You are already setting up reasons why you won't succeed and asking us to agree with you that you will fail. I think if you do it, you might very well succeed. I doubt you would continue to lose weight at that speed, but you might well in the first month. Give it all you've got and surprise yourself! I double dare you! Think how great you would feel a whole stone lighter.