Has anyone heard of this and tried it?, ive looked into it to try and retrain my brain but there appears to be a lot of recipes and meal ideas using protein powder, i was under the impression this was something to help gain weight????? Am i wrong ?, slightly confused .:-$
Protein...and the leptin diet - Weight Loss Support
Protein...and the leptin diet

Another commercial diet I believe Tjd.
They have 5 rules which I agree with except for one where they said do not snack between meals but use their supplements and products instead.
So in my view: they do not consider a snack of powder something in between meals as a snack , while fruits or nuts or veges sticks are considered a snack? And a no no? Go figure....
They also expect you to buy their book as well.
There is a bit of a mix message where they say not to worry about calories counting but at the same time suggest how many calories per meal......
They are a lot of new diets popping around. It is a good business. Some of them are dangerous, some are good but not sustainable, some have a lot of aggressive marketing. Most are now copy cat, they copy all the healthy bits then add on a little something to make them different and justify their earning. Some are simple and free.
Off my soap box now.......
Just retrain your brain to eat proper healthy food.
There seem to be slightly different versions of The Leptin Diet out there, but in essence it is telling you to eat good quality food three times a day, not too much, and no snacking. Seems ok to me. I wouldn't buy any supplements or books, unless you like reading cookery books, and I certainly wouldn't use protein powder unless I was a body builder.
I find that having a protein breakfast works well for me. Perhaps try the basics of the diet, without buying the supplements?
I haven't heard of this diet specifically but the hormone (I think?) Leptin rings a bell. I remember watching a very long talk on youtube about Leptin and insulin and all sorts really. I think I remember the man saying that when your brain can't "see" your Leptin, it doesn't know that you are full and you are then going to overeat. I will see if I can find a link to the lecture, I'm sure I bookmarked it, but it was quite involved and my memory is quite poor so I have to often revisit things to refresh my memory. I'm sorry if I've remembered it wrongly, but I am pretty sure that this man said that Leptin was a very important piece of the jigsaw puzzle in connection with weight issues.
I found it and skipped along the bar and found a bit where he is talking about high insulin blocking leptin which makes the brain think you are starving. This section starts around 47 mins 20. It's quite involved so it might be worth watching the whole thing if you have the time, although it is about an hour and a half long!
Basically a high protein, low carb diet. Easily achieved without special powders and additives. Just keep you diet based on protein foods (meat, fish,pulses) and reduce carbs (potatoes, rice,pasta).
It works for me as I find I struggle to lose weight if I eat too many carbs
Lol thank you so much! I had only seen it referred to in that lonnnnng lecture so far, so was struggling a bit. I'd just end up babbling and confusing matters so I posted the link. Yours is much more helpful for someone who doesn't have hours to sit and watch you tube lol! Thanks again.