Day 5 ...........: Going well..... The... - Weight Loss Support

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Day 5 ...........

Trierisme profile image
Trierisme1st 7lbs
โ€ข13 Replies

Going well..... The menu plan is a huge help, not having to think just check the plan and cook. It's such a good way of balancing my diet to for fruit and veg ratio, not brilliant at that I must be honest but it's always work in progress and that's fine.....

I've also 'quit' sugar.... though I'm not sure if I have ๐Ÿ™ƒ as I'm still eating fruit and a low sugar yogurt most days...... does 'quitting sugar' mean no fruit ?????? I am snappy and irritable, my old man will testify to that; but after bingeing on sugar previously I'm not surprised, my body is in shock......... No bikkies, chocolate, crisps, cakes..... I can't believe I'm writing this!!!!!!๐Ÿ˜‰ I am tired and grumpy, but coping far far better than I thought I would....... for me, it's been easier to quit than moderate ........

Change is for life so I am questioning myself a lot ....... Can I keep this up? Is it doable long term? Should we take drastic measure and eliminate things from our diet at all ??????

Answers on a postcard please !

Best wishes to you all. & to everyone low about themselves and their size/weight, you're not alone my friend.....

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Trierisme profile image
1st 7lbs
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13 Replies
Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Trierisme,

Well done for cutting out the refined sugars - and glad to hear you're enjoying the plan and those vegetables and fruits, there are lots of tasty things out there, aren't there? I am trying to have new things that I've not tried before.

Have you been watching the 'Sugar Free Farm'? It's on TV on Wednesday evenings. They did cut out fruit for the first week, purely to allow their taste buds to adjust, but now they've re-introduced the fruit (starting at 1 portion per day), so it will be interesting to see if they increase that a bit further or not.

Anyway, I think you're doing really well, and hope you enjoy the next week.

Lowcal :-)

Trierisme profile image
Trierisme1st 7lbs in reply to Zest

Hi, yes I did watch the farm....... I enjoyed it..... From the little I've read, the big danger is in processed food, hidden stuff ...... Good old honest chocolate bar or small slice of cake, I don't think is the demon, although you could argue that as sugar is addictive, maybe even that isn't such a good idea either๐Ÿ™ƒ You are right about tasty food ( healthier ) but I do have the luxury of time and no little ones running around ...... I am now eating tasty, healthy food, and enjoying it ...... for me, planning is key, I do menus and swop them around ..... tweak them... So I just follow that days list..... My goal, is to eat healthier, for life, and have a 'normal' relationship with food after 50 years of a bad relationship...... I am divorcing myself of it ! โ˜บ๏ธ

Hope you have a good week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Trierisme

Hi Trierisme,

Yes, I'm also finding it an interesting programme to watch. I found the discussions between the people regarding how they plan to take the ideas forward into their regular lives again were particularly interesting. I definitely agree that it's the hidden sugars in many processed foods that are the culprits, and speaking personally I try to reduce those by minimising the amount of processed food I eat (as much as I can), but I still have the occasional sugary item - I guess I try to eat 80% of the time with avoiding unhealthy foods, and 20% of the time allow myself something different, i.e. a chocolate eclair, or crisps, or something like that. That way I can enjoy a more sugary cake on Birthdays or special occasions, but I try to keep it at just that 1 slice.

I think it's great that you're doing so well with your goals, and your aim to have a 'normal' relationship with food is fantastic.

Here's to a great week ahead, and a great weekend.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

You CAN eat fruit! Just not fruit juice, it must be the whole fruit. Also, limit your dried fruit consumption to just a couple of pieces.

I was very grumpy for the first two weeks, so I know exactly what you are going through, it made me realise how much I medicated my moods with food.

It soon passed along with the sugar cravings and I have been happily sugar-free since last summer.

You can do it - it is worth it and WELL DONE!

Trierisme profile image
Trierisme1st 7lbs in reply to LessToLose

Hi, thanks for the post...... I'm counting the days till this detox has run itself out ๐Ÿ˜” Yesterday I was trembling and felt very anxious ...... I had a good talk to myself; I really can't go from eating the huge ( I do mean huge ) quantities of sugar and over eating to a lovely healthy portion controlled diet and not have any kick back ....... It's day 8 today, and I'm still hanging in there........ I'm really glad you've successfully quit. I've taken note that your withdrawal was for 2 weeks so I'm counting the days...... I'll keep you posted !

Jesterpuss1 profile image

Hi Trierisme, I'm also trying to cut out sugar, but I am eating some fruit! After all fruit is good for you right?? I'm quite lost about some of this healthy eating! I'm cutting out refined sugar and as I'm not eating any processed foods I'm hoping I'm almost sugar free! Every day there's something on tv or in the paper's that says something or others bad for you! It could make you paranoid!! I'm just taking it back to basics! I must admit I am missing a biscuit or two or a bit of choc oh and an odd glass of wine! But it'll all be worth it in the end! ๐Ÿ˜

Trierisme profile image
Trierisme1st 7lbs in reply to Jesterpuss1

Hi, I really liked your 'back to basics' comment faffing. An enhanced and bit more interesting version of the war days diet..... Fruit, veg, bit of meat....... We won't mention the beef dripping ! I rail as well at the 'new' information coming out every so often that this particular food is now the new demon ..... But, as my Oh has said, as science progresses they learn new things.......... You are doing remarkably well, no processed food ? Brilliant ! That's my aim too ..... as always, work in progress.

Hope you're week goes well !


Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to Trierisme

Hi, I just think if you stick to basics, like when we were children, there wasn't all this processed and junk food! So I've cut it out. I'm not eating bread, not many potatoes, obviously no cakes biscs etc ( not easy! ) But at the end of the day I ' know ' wot I should and shouldn't eat! It's putting it into practice! I do believe that carbs are the enemy but that's just my opinion. As you say a work in progress!! Hope you have a good weekend! ๐Ÿ˜Š x

Moti-vacation profile image

Hey! Good to hear the food plan is working for you.. I am going to start doing a food plan too :)

Trierisme profile image
Trierisme1st 7lbs in reply to Moti-vacation

The food plan is invaluable to me, I'd be grabbing stuff left right and centre otherwise..... ! You just need a little bit of quiet time to write your menus and away you go .....

Hope you're week is going ok. X

Moti-vacation profile image
Moti-vacation in reply to Trierisme

Yep, I've been planning for the day by day and inventing healthy snacks as I go. I am about to make a plan for the weekend as this has been my down fall so far.. Then maybe I will start extending it into the week! Thanks!!

Trierisme profile image
Trierisme1st 7lbs in reply to Moti-vacation

I like your user name by the way ! Funny !

Moti-vacation profile image
Moti-vacation in reply to Trierisme


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