Just been noshing. I guess this week is very challenging with so many goodies in the house. I have been so good this week until tonight just ate and ate and now I feel so awful. I just hope for the rest of the week I will have more self control. Just don't want to put on all my 6 lbs that I lost in 1 week. Hopefully tomorrow I will go for my walk as today did not manage to stop eating all these goodies even though everyone is.
Feeing awful from over eating! - Weight Loss Support
Feeing awful from over eating!

Hi Bakersdozen,
Really sorry to hear you're feeling awful after eating today. That's not a nice feeling at all, and I really sympathise. But you mention that you've been so good this week until this moment, so hopefully today will be a very small blip in the week, and you can salvage the remaining time, and ensure you feel lots better by tomorrow. Hopefully you'll enjoy your walk - that will definitely do some good - hope the weather stays kind so you can enjoy it.
Just put it behind you.
Wishing you a great remainder of the week.
Don't be too hard on yourself bakersdozen, it is a very difficult time of year. Draw a line under today and start afresh tomorrow. You can do it, you have proved that.
Everybody slips one time or another , why not try to set out 1 treat and if you do well for that day then allow yourself that Lil treat rather than having loads , do a Lil box full of treats but only allow yourself one a day or if you like wine a Lil tipple of that as a treat , good luck
Thanks for replying! You are so right it is only a slip once in a while that is what I love about this forum as soon as I slip I let it out on here and than start fresh so my weight goes down and not up.

I know exactly what you mean.
I am starting to learn that if I really focus on how uncomfortable and revolting I feel, if I really dive into it and feel my stretched stomach and aching tummy and lethargy that helps later on as something to remember when I go to pick up that extra something to eat.
As hard as it is I am trying to enjoy feeling hungry and how much lighter and agile I feel when I am hungry.
Probably a pipe dream but hey....
Pi hope you have had a better day today.

Thanks for asking! I actually had a wonderful day today. This morning I weighed myself and had a massive shock I put on 3 lbs so I decided that is it I better behave myself and starting to eat healthy even though I did cheat but it was counted as my points. I went for a walk as well. So all in all I behaved like a g=very good girl and deserve a medal as everyone else was eating doughnuts and peanut chews and I only ate 1 doughnut and not 2 which I would normally have done. I guess all thanks to my thrush which finally I got rid off after having it for 5 months. Everything is for the best!
I am just rambling! Don't know what happened to me today! Sorry!