Hello I am new here .... I'm really happy to be able to talk with other people in the same situation as mine. First thing I want to say is STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS. Just find what you like the most about yourself and try to make it better I'm other words be a better you not a better copy of someone else.
Stop comparing yourself to others. - Weight Loss Support
Stop comparing yourself to others.

this is very good advice - I often look at skinny girls with envy but I bet they are cold without all the fat lol
welcome btw!
Welcome. This is a friendly place.you are right if course but there are times when it is harder than others.
not everyone can find somethink they like about them selfs welcome and have fun getting a better you
Hello welcome to you x
mmmmmmm not sure how to reply to this on one hand its good and wonderful to accept yourself for who you are but on the other there are some people who l admire and would like to be.
We are all individuals and we are all special xx

Hi and welcome Sheryl
If you mean don't compare yourself infavourably with others eg I'm too fat, too ugly, too short etc, I agree. However, I'm a great believer in recognising people's attributes and working hard to emulate them. It gives us goals and an appreciation for others.
This doesn't include plastic surgery, or other drastic measures to get the same nose, boobs, hair etc, but watching people that work hard to better themselves, eg, have positive attitudes, are kind and caring, accept responsibility for their actions etc
I hope I haven't waffled on too much and that this makes at least a little sense
Enjoy this forum and good luck on your journey