10 hour eating window: Interesting... - Weight Loss Support

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10 hour eating window

33 Replies

Interesting programme on BBC1 last night called Doctor in the House. The husband was a diabetic and I was shocked at the amount of food the family had to get rid of because of the hidden sugars which were damaging his health. Made me wonder what 'nasties' we all have in our foods which we're oblivious to.

Another suggestion was to eat within a 10 hour 'window.' I work from home, and this would be a stretch for me, how could people who commute to work cope?

33 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I thought it was a good programme and it just goes to show what we're willing to put into our bodies, be it wittingly, or unwittingly.

It made a perfect case for eating fresh, whole food and not processed and packaged. The diabetic man had been advised what not to eat, or drink, he just chose to ignore that advise until a doctor was living in his house and pointing out that his mortality was in his own hands.

I would think that a 10hr window in which to eat would be perfectly feasible, it's all down to being organised and getting used to it, exactly the same as the rest of our healthy eating plan. If you can have a packed lunch, why not a packed breakfast, or dinner? My OH frequently does 12hr shifts and takes a packed lunch and dinner to work - no probs :)

in reply to moreless

It was a shock what the husband was enduring, but he looked so much better at the end of it. I hope he's continued with it.

Penel profile image

Yes, it was an interesting and informative program. Well worth a watch.

Apart from throwing out all the foods containing sugar, they also got rid of all the processed carbohydrates (breakfast cereal, pasta etc). Along with the exercise it all made for a real improvement to his health.

The other really interesting part was about the wife, who was suffering with menopausal symptoms. She followed the same eating plan, and also took up meditation and had acupuncture, which helped reduce her stress levels too.

If you can't manage a 10 hour eating window, making sure you leave a 12 hour gap between your evening meal and breakfast is also effective. And always, always read the labels on whatever you're buying!

in reply to Penel

Yes, the refined carbs were an eye opener for anyone with diabetes.

Penel profile image

I've just had a look at "Food on the brain", hadn't come across it before. A fascinating watch. Thanks for mentioning it.

There are several articles around about the importance of the gut biome and the gut/brain axis. It's certainly a big area of discussion if you've got any autoimmune problems.

Jo-belle profile image

Hi Jane, I watched this programme as well and found it really interesting. I was quite shocked at how much food they had to get rid of.

I have been doing a little research about the 10hr eating window or intermittent fasting as it is also called. There are actually a few different ways to incorporate fasting into your your diet / life style. You can use the 10 hour window, but maybe alter the ratio. For example, 8hr eating and 16hr fasting or go the other way and have an 11hr eating window with 13 hours of fasting.

If that doesn't work, you could try fasting for 24hours twice a week, say on Mondays and Thursdays, so long as the days are not consecutive.

The other option that I have read about is the 5:2 approach. This involves eating a normal healthy diet for 5 days and restricting your calories to 500 (for women) or 600 (for men) a day for 2 days of the week (again make sure that they are not consecutive days). There is quite a lot if information available on this subject, I'm sure that you will be able to find something that will work.

Good luck ☺

in reply to Jo-belle

I tried the 5:2 diet earlier this year, it wasn't a success, but glad I tried it. This plan has been much more effective for me.

libbydaniels88 profile image

I watched this as well, and was shocked by how little the family seemed to know about food values, finding sugar in products etc and wats to generally control their weight. The advice the Dr gave was all sound I expect, but why, since I already have, and have had for years, much of what he said already in my brain, does it not convert itself to action on my body ? They lose stones easily, I just gain. So there is another issue for people like us to address which has to be some form of addiction, and yet Drs claim that you cannot be addicted to food. Well, I just think that that family were not, but a lot of us ARE addicted to food, and not all people are starting equal ....good show though for all that, and looking forward to next week 😊

asics profile image
asics in reply to libbydaniels88

Libbydaniels88 hello! Something to dischss with any doubting GP. I read a great book by the Doctor who took on the tobacco industry. He doesn't believe food is addictive, however he has done lots of research (mainly on rats)to prove that it is the combination of salt, sugar and fat in processed foods that have the same effect on our brain as other addictive substances (alcohol, tobacco, drugs). Food manufacturers go to great lengths to produce the right combination of sugar, salt and fat in their processed food products so that we go to great lengths to gorge on it! It was a fascinating read. If you want to know the details of the book let me know.

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015 in reply to asics

I have a small can of tuna with sundries tomatoes and rosemary on 6 cruskits for my breakfast. I love it and just can't wait for the morning. So, is this addictive or what? On very rare days I force myself to have and egg and cucumber, spinach, tomato wholemeal bread toasted sandwich instead. It fills me up but I can't wait for the next day to have my tuna! I was also told that chocolat craving (addiction) takes four days to disappear. Interesting isn't it if food is not supposed to be addictive! Sugar is addictive so anything with sugar will somehow become addictive, me recon!

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to asics

I definitely would asics. It sounds very interesting ! 😊

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to libbydaniels88

Read "Salt, Sugar, Fat" by Michael Moss for an description of how food companies have deliberately made food addictive ('bliss point') to get us hooked and coming back for more.

Also have a look at "Food on the Brain" on BBC I-player, as mentioned by Concerned above, for an explanation of why we can become addicted.

in reply to Penel

Jacques Peretti has made several BBC documentaries about these issues, including 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' and 'The Men Who Made Us Thin'. Eye-opening stuff. Do check them out if they get repeated.

Portlandprincess profile image

Hi Jane, I missed the programme but am always surprised at the fitness app when I'm counting cals, how much sugar is in the food I'm eating. always buy fresh too!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Check out episode 2 this Thursday at 9pm. It should deliver more of the same advise.

nhs2015 profile image

Yep, sugar is addictive and a killer. Read all your labels and only buy stuff with no added sugar or very little sugar if you have no choice. Food Businesses put sugar in their food, you get addicted to it and can't do without so you buy more and more. You then put on weight and they blame it on you and take away your confidence. It is a vicious circle. It can take up to two weeks to wean yourself from sugar. Sometimes more.

ceejayblue profile image

As a diabetic I was surprised at the recommendation to fast for 24hrs 3 times a week! It seems rather excessive and although he did get results I'm wondering just how sustainable that is. Also, yes there are lots of "hidden" things in our food but you only need to look at the labels and when people say check for added sugars, sugar is a carbohydrate and is included in the total carb figure. It is best to go for wholewheat/wholemeal foods rather than the processed white pasta and rice etc but if you are sensible you don't have to cut it out altogether. My OH refuses to eat any wholewheat pasta or wholemeal rice so I don't have pasta or rice as often as I used to but if I have the white kind I have less than half of the recommended portion size for a normal person.

Everything in moderation is always the best way in my opinion.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to ceejayblue

I think the recommendation on fasting several times a week was just temporary. Once you have reduced blood sugar readings, weight etc to a good level you can limit your fasting to the occasional day.

Have you tried quinoa instead of rice? It doesn't raise blood sugar levels as much as rice. It's got a slightly nutty flavour. Perhaps you could sneak it into a meal?

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015 in reply to ceejayblue

Someone on this forum put me onto coucous. Love it! And it has less calories than rice or pasta.

ceejayblue profile image
ceejayblue in reply to nhs2015

Unfortunately as a diabetic its still a carbohydrate so it doesn't matter how fewer calories it is, its the carb content that counts. However, I do have it occasionally as a change because its great for stuffing peppers and adding lots of flavours to.

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015 in reply to ceejayblue

I didn't know about diabetics and carb content. What a bummer for you!

Now the "stuffing peppers" recipe. Could you share?

ceejayblue profile image
ceejayblue in reply to nhs2015

In our bodies carbs (which sugar is) turns to glucose in the body which is what diabetics have problems dealing with. For the stuffed peppers I just make up the couscous as per the packet and add some chopped herbs and onions etc (whatever I feel like) and use spices or a stock cube (low salt) to flavour it. I cut the top off a large pepper (keep hold of it), take out the inside of the pepper and remove the white pith in side. I then put a spray of oil (the one cal sort) inside, stuff with the couscous, grate a little bit of parmesan on top, put this cut off bit on top as a lid. I then spray a bit of spray oil on the outside and put into a dish (you may need to prop several up together) and put in the over at around 180°C for about 20mins, check if pepper cooked by testing with a skewer. Continue to cook till pepper is cooked through.

I sometimes have them on their own or with grilled chicken or fish. Also, I find that when you buy them look at the bottom of them, some peppers have 4 little "feet" and some have 3, I find its better for balancing if you get the ones with 4. LOL! Sounds funny but have a look at the bottom and you'll see.:)

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015 in reply to ceejayblue

Someone did mention on this forum about starch food like bread being glucose. I have reduced my intake of bread drastically. This forum is great for sharing tips.

Thanks for the recipe. I will make it tomorrow. I like your tip about the feet. Anything to make the job easier, I say. I will try them all in the shop until I find two who can stand on their feet.

in reply to ceejayblue

I've cut down on 'white carbs' as I don't like the wholewheat versions and go for a smaller portion. Might check out quinoa, already replaced cous cous for some rice / pasta dishes. The Week 8 eating plan also recommends adding pulses to stews to bulk them out.

I'm going to give the 10 hour eating window a go. I will definitely stop me eating junk in the evening.

in reply to

Well done! Let us know how you get on.

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Jane-ski, thanks for flagging this program - I just watched it - fantastically interesting. A long way from Gillian McKeith if you remember her!!

I can do an 11 hour window and that is something to try....

in reply to Gonti

Well done Gonti - everything's worth a try!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

So the fact that the man came off 2 of his diabetes drugs and massively improved his sugar levels counts for nothing?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I'm gobsmacked! I think they've got their heads firmly buried up their a***s!

I missed this programme - which channel was it on?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

You can catch up with it on BBCiPlayer.

ceejayblue profile image

The fact is that we don't know if he will continue with all the changes or not and to be honest I'm not convinced at all by what was put in place as a long term thing. He could've reduced his blood glucose levels without going to the lengths of 3 x 24hr fasts a day! Just eating a properly balanced diet and cutting down and/or out the processed foods they were eating and exercising more would probably have had the same results.

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