Well, I am pretty sure I will put on weight this week, which is disappointing but there we have it. I have stuck to my calories again, no blips and as usual, often under what I'm allowed. However, I haven't slept properly all week and the leg is showing much more swelling than last week as a result - what a pain in the neck! No plans to stop doing what I'm doing, hopefully it will even out again, I'll just keep chipping away at it - in it for the long haul!
I've talked to hubby about my anxiety about trying a walk alone in case my back goes clunk and I end up in agony trying to get back home. We are going to go together so that he can get the car and pick me up if I have a problem. I am hoping that the fear in my head is greater than the physical problems it will cause me, we shall have to see! I am having deja vu on this subject, I remember talking through this with about a year back and working out the worst case scenario etc. I don't know why I get so anxious about it, because I go through the conversations we had and as long as I take my mobile phone, I could always call a taxi as long as I stick to pavements and roads but still this problem haunts me and my mind blows it up into a huge obstacle! Anyway, now hubby is mindful of me wanting to conquer this problem, I know he will encourage me, which is a good thing.
Right, I've babbled enough now! Hope everyone's having a great weekend!