Running, relaxing and onlin shopping! - Weight Loss Support

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Running, relaxing and onlin shopping!

β€’7 Replies

Great start to my Sunday, week 5 run 3 of C25k.

The 20 minute run was much more enjoyable than the last time I did C25k. Spinach, orange and banana smoothie for breakfast, and more healthy choices planned for lunch and dinner.

I have been online shopping for groceries and I find it much easier to shop healthy. Most of my items are in the fresh fruit and veg section and I don't even look at the tempting treats, so much harder to say no when you see a special offer.

So today I am resting, and rewarding myself with non food treats.

How is everyone else doing today? πŸ˜€

7 Replies
Portlandprincess profile image

Hi Eatwell, you're doing so well! I'm off for a two hour walk now's amazing how good I feel after under three weeks of this new life.

Portlandprincess profile image

Online shopping...good tip!

WeightWarrior profile image

Only just started out so the exercise part I find amazing, wtg! I have some physical health restrictions so pretty much going by changing my diet only atm. Your comment about shopping is spot on, if you don't see it, you don't buy it, nothing to tempt you! Well done you sound like you are doing a fab job. :-)

Hi Eatwell,

Having a lazy day except for the squat challenge and taking the dog out a bit later.

Decided to be less cissy re squat challenge and did 20 today, I know it's still below what the challenge states on day 6 but believe me it's a challenge !!!

Have also started knitting , well it's keeping me out the kitchen lol

Enjoy rest of your day and have a lovely week.


Did a cardio workout this morning, with some strength. Was planning on being lazy the rest of the day, but felt motivated to power walk round the park a couple of times whilst hubby and daughter and dog played on the swings ! Got my W2R1 tomorrow so should be saving my legs :-) Glad you enjoyed your run !!

Dave1961 profile image

I honestly felt my health level improve just from reading your breakfast "Spinach, orange and banana smoothie" :)

My Monday has been good so far - I am counting down to my 2 weeks off starting next Monday - can't wait!

in reply to Dave1961

Love my smoothies πŸ˜„

Have a great time off, the countdown begins !

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