Well have now completed week 3 and really happy with the way things have gone so far.
This morning awake early as usual 5:30 am (not a real time I know) and I thought well it's Monday so get on the scales.
Around me don't know why, but I have 3 sets of beady eyes, my beloved pussy cats, don't worry not rats . I look down at the scales then I look away, look back and cannot believe what I can see, hooray just gone into the next stone.
OMG I shriek in joy, in a panic small girl cat leaps up and knocks over a very nice and expensive bottle of shampoo goes flying everywhere and 2 boy cats run for cover.
I have lost another 3.5 lbs and I am over joyed. Hopefully now I am the queen of bikes not the queen of cakes things can only get better. That said hope weather perks up as hacking down at moment, was planning another excursion today.
Now having a nice cup of tea with said animals snuggling around me, wonderful !!!!!!!
Small girl cat smells very nice and I will have to go shopping to replenish shampoo stock.
Have a good week everyone.