Health MOT check and a correction... - Weight Loss Support

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Health MOT check and a correction...

dotty_segs profile image
β€’13 Replies

For those of you who read my post yday about 1st Aug starting point - firstly, thank you for the encouragement, tips and helpfulness. I appreciate it.

I have taken your tips on board.

This morning I went to register my daughter for her gym class, and there was a brand new MOT health check station, so I went on it to find out my body weight, fat, heart rate etc. it was worth it and since I will be going there every week in sept I will use that as my weighing in point (as long as it's staying there!) and what a shock. I knew I was obese but didn't realise I was at class 3. Yday I posted that my weight was 18 stone 5lbs. The MOT health check says my weight is 18 St 13lbs. That's virtually 19st. Yikes! This is the correction.

So that means my scales at home are rubbish and doesn't give an accurate weight measurement. πŸ˜•

Added to that I have 43% of body fat. That's nearly half of me.

I know it would be embarrassing to put so much personal info online but hey if this means by posting I am admitting this to myself and doing something about it, and knowing there are lovely people out there who take the time and read and motivate each other then it will be worth it.

I have declined my usual morning treat due to the shock!

Being a lone dieter doesn't work. Even doing it with a friend or two who doesn't have as much to lose, if they are not really doing it then it won't work either.

I am sure groups such as WW or SW would be good but I find those difficult to follow (I have to lip read and that is tiring esp if I have misunderstood) so this forum is best for me.


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dotty_segs profile image
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13 Replies
3rd-Time-Here profile image

Hi dotty_segs

I just wanted to say how brave of you to post the correction to your starting weight and your body fat %. I truly believe that this is the first step to taking control and changing these numbers, well done for crossing the first hurdle. I have just started week 2 and found the posts on this forum a real inspiration to keep me motivated through my first week. I wish you the very best of luck on your journey and no doubt will catch up with again on the site.

MrsBooboo profile image

Welcome on board!

I have a lot to loose too. I started here on 16th May 15 weighing in at 18st 3lbs. Today I am 17st 3 lbs. I have lost a stone in about 10 weeks (I gained 4lbs then lost it again in that time frame). What I have found helpful are these links from a mixture of other people on this forum:

There are many other you tube videos from Dr Lustig which I found interesting

There are also fairly recent BBC documentaries to on truth of fat, truth of sugar, truth of calories, all worth a watch.

ra220 profile image

Well done for joining the forum and finding out your exact weight and body fat %. Sometimes it can be very scary and 'worse' that you imagined, but coming on here and telling us all about it is the first step towards making some positive changes to your lifestyle.

Good luck on your journey :-)

dotty_segs profile image

Thank you for your positive comments πŸ˜€

You're not alone - you have us on the forum right there with you! Good for you posting your exact starting weight and body fat percentage.

linggirl profile image

Good girl. You are obviously really going for this!

Scales are a nightmare- I found that mine gave me different readings if I used them in different rooms, apparently the only level floor in my flat is in the kitchen. It is a good idea to use the same scales at the same time each week. I would suggest that you take a waist measurement that gives you another way of checking your weight loss.

Your a brave woman go for it.

dotty_segs profile image
dotty_segs in reply to linggirl

Thank you for your comments. Yes the MOT health check stations seem the way to go for me and much more reliable.... just went swimming with my kids and hubby and there was another one at the swimming pool foyer area.... Wow... !

Carolee13 profile image

I think my bathroom scales are pretty inaccurate too... Thanks for putting yourself out there and being so honest. You go, girl!

dotty_segs profile image
dotty_segs in reply to Carolee13

Thank you for your kind words!

How are you getting on with your journey?

Carolee13 profile image

Only just started really. Served myself a smaller portion tonight, you got to start somewhere.

Carolee13 profile image

Hi Dottie, I just noticed it's been a while since you last posted and wondered how you were getting on. Remember we're all rooting for you! I'm finding this forum really encouraging and helping me to stay focused. Let us know what's happening...

dotty_segs profile image
dotty_segs in reply to Carolee13

Thanks for asking, Carolee, went on holiday, had a super time, didn't have many ice creams like I usually do (yay!) but had too many Choc treats u find in cafes - such as tiffin, rocky road etc. they were so yummy I couldn't resist. My fault - came home from holiday, found a MOT health check, hoping to lose at least 1lb, nope, am exactly the same as I was 2-3 weeks ago! Bah!

I am now reading a book called "thin for life" it focuses more on healthy eating and three proper food meals a day rather than fad diets. And real people's examples.

I know in my head I need to just do it, just my heart loves chocolate more! Arghhhhhh!

Anyhow I am eating more salads, being more aware what I am eating for breakfast and lunch and especially snacks. My evening meals have always been good - a proper nutritious meal usually cooked from scratch, for my hubby and kids, and myself obviously!

Hoping the book will help me....!

How about u?

Carolee13 profile image

Hiya, glad you had a lovely holiday. Remember that not gaining weight on holiday is an achievement in itself so don't beat yourself up over treating yourself a bit. Sounds like you're on track with your salads and healthy dinners so be proud of yourself πŸ˜ƒ.

I love chocolate too. When I need a hit I have one or two squares of high cocoa plain chocolate to pick me up without adding hundreds of calories.

I'm doing ok, losing weight steadily and doing plenty of exercise. Hubbie says I have a leaner bum, which is nice to know.

I've got a stressful week coming up - going to my mom's tomorrow and staying with her until my brother-in-law's funeral. He was Catholic so expecting lots of high cal food and drink at the wake. I'll have to have a nutritious snack before the funeral which is at 12.30.

Wish me luck!

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