Right.. Apologies, this is difficult to know where to start..! I'm desperate to lose weight, it's making me depressed to the point where I don't even want to leave the house. I've always been a 'big' girl but after having my children the weight has just crept up and up, I've tried every diet going, pills, you name it I've given it a go, I'm even saving for a gastric band. I've just discovered the 12 week plan so I'm going to give it a go in a last ditch attempt. Wish me luck :/
Feeling desperate..: Right.. Apologies... - Weight Loss Support
Feeling desperate..

Oh my dear please don't despair. You will find so much support and advice on this website I have found that the 12 week plan really suits me. It has helped me rethink my portion size and be much more aware of what I am eating. I even started the Couch to 5k podcasts and i've never been one for exercise before! I have lost nearly 14kg in the 11 weeks I've been following the plan and i feel so positive that I am going to continue. I hope that you will have the same results. However I would suggest that if you are feeling depressed should consult your doctor.
I wish you lots of luck, be positive you incomplete plan.
I hope the 12 week plan will help you feel more in control. I find it's good because you slowly educate yourself week by week. I haven't managed to stick to the suggested calorie limit every day, but am still managing to lose weight, about 1.5lb/week (I'm on week 6 now). Like Linggirl I also did the couch to 5k programme and found that helped, giving me a bit more control and focus towards becoming a healthier, fitter person. It's definitely worth a look. This forum is helpful too, lots of people here ready to give advice. Not everyone is following the 12 week plan, or some are following it but with their own variations, but we're all here to try and lose weight. We have all felt that frustration too, leading us to take the leap and try to really just lose the weight once and for all. Lots of luck
exercise is the key
when i've just dieted before, i get bored and give in. exercise and you will feel more energetic, and less hungry.
diets and pills don't work without exercise
Hi LandyBird. I have 10+ stone to lose. Not sure how much you have to lose but maybe you can take some comfort knowing there are a fair few big girls (and boys) on this site trying to shed more than a few stone.
I had been putting off weight loss for years as it just seemed an impossible task to lose over 10 stone. But as each year passed another half stone or more went on.
I have been trying to lose weight now for about 20 weeks and have lost almost 3 stones. There is no way 20 weeks ago I would have expected to still be doing this.
My advice is to think more in terms of lifestyle change rather than a diet. Make gradual changes you can maintain for life. A lb or 2 loss a week may not sound like much but before you know it you will be a stone lighter
Set yourself lots of targets and goals to keep yourself motivated. I reward myself with £1 for every lb I lose please an extra £5 for a target/goal reached, such as losing my first 10%.
I hope you can find some inspiration and support from this site, it really is a useful tool.
Best of luck
Read through the weight loss plan and then do it! If all you do is count your calories fro a week - a week! you'll start to get thinner!
Take action - stuff happens!
Thank you. right I've read through the 12 week plan and I'm now armed with determination, long may it last! I have 6st to lose, I do try and exercise to the best of my ability, I'm a severe asthmatic and I do find certain exercises,like running, difficult at the moment but I'm hoping with weight loss that stays off that'll become easier. Thanks again for the encouragement.
I use an inhaler, but am not strictly asthmatic, but also saw running as something that would be hard for me as someone who gets breathless quite easily, so I took it slowly as a result (and got through, and still run slowly now ). Everyone sort of adapts it as appropriate to their needs. But if what you need is to just get started, a first step to exercise could be to monitor your walking - you can get cheap clip-on pedometers and monitor how many steps you take every day and slowly try to increase your steps, setting mini-goals each week. I really recommend some kind of exercise to go alongside the healthy eating plan - it really helps to just go out and feel proactive.
I also had 6 stone to lose. At the beginning you wonder how on earth will you manage to lose it (and how you got to that weight) but take it slowly and like others have said 1-2lb per week and before you know it you've lost a stone. Like yourself I've done countless quick fix diets and now learned they don't work long term. The only thing that works for me is counting calories and exercise and I've learned not to restrict something from my diet but count everything towards cals. I started in August 2013 when I was at my heaviest and managed to lose 3 stone by May 2014, put another stone back on after holidays and really mucked up about being on a diet. Now I've found this 12 week loss programme and am feeling determined. I count my calories using myfitnesspal app which is good. It is possible to lose weight, just be patient and honestly count every calorie. For exercise I go for a 30 minute walk a day with the dog and although at the beginning I don't want to by the time I am back home it feels good to have done it. Try this for 12 weeks and keep putting your money aside. You may end up with a holiday instead!! Good luck
Firstly you are not alone and secondly - everyone on here is on your side. We can do this!! xxx
Hi their I know what you mean I am struggling with the fluid retention I have with lymphadema so it makes it much harder to lose .I can say though to lose wright you have yo eat ,fish A little meat some chicken plenty fish ,lots of veggies, cut down on sugar or do without.Stop having dips n sauces on food instead use herbs n spices to flavour your food And balsamic dressing for salads keep your fridge full of salad stuff and veg sweet potato is good for you .cut down on bread use slimmers bread, and low fat spreads Low fat cheeses, low fat everything And watch your alchohol that is packed with cals. Good luck.... Let me know if you are successful in losing some weight... Ps cut your portion sizes too . The healthy way is eat ,Sml carbs, protein ,healthy fats not saturated find your good fats needed for good health ohhh and Eggs eat plenty eggs in moderation space them over the week.
Hi everyone, thank you so much for your replies, I realise it's been 6 months (6 whole months!) since posting and a whole lot has happened since then! Happy new year to you all and may it be a happy and healthy one! I'm only a stone lighter than before I posted but I'm going to try extremely hard this year to really get back on track, the end of last year proved a complete emotional roller coaster with one thing and another but my head is back in the game and full of bloody minded determination! X