Ive pretty much finished my 5 years at university studying architecture and I cant wait to get the weight off that I have piled on studying. I have a decent job lined up starting next week and as soon as I get my first pay check I want to sign up to a gym. I have a choice of 2 on my work journey: a David Lloyd one and 'All seasons' which I think will be like a council run one but the website says charity run. Anyway I just wondered what people thought is it worth splashing out on a better gym in order to stay motivated a bit longer (and they have a steam room for a friday afternoon treat!) or is it best to keep the extra money in your pocket and go to the crappier one? I dont know if the novelty will wear off with a fancier gym or not. :/ only ever been a member of the uni gym which I havent made time to go to since january.
which gym?: Ive pretty much finished my... - Weight Loss Support
which gym?

It depends on what facilities they offer. I might be more motivated to go to one which had a pool because I like swimming but if I am just going to be doing the same exercises then I would opt for the cheaper one and use the difference in price to pay for other fun exercises like another class somewhere else or an ice skating session or a personal training session just to keep it varied.
Enjoy whichever you choose!
The reason I only have a choice of 2 is because they are the only 2 with pools. The DAvid Lloyd one has everything but I would only using the swimming and gym facilities I think. A class or 2 like weights/aerobics/pilates would be nice but they are all after 8 at the cheaper one and I intend to go 5-6. Darent go into David Lloyd to quickly ask about their classes cause it certainly wouldnt be quick.
unless you need the swimming pool etc try for the cheapest gym you can. I have a choice of about 4 gyms under £20 a month. I didn't choose the cheapest but one that was slightly more expensive, but still under £20 because it has a steam room which I like to use after a long run (instead of having a hot bath). All the gyms I visited had all the 'normal' equipment, and classes etc