I usually have cereal like crunch nut for breakfast but is porridge more better and heathlier than cereal?
Porridge or cereal? : I usually have... - Weight Loss Support
Porridge or cereal?

The cereals that are better are the ones with lower sugar amount ...not the sugar coated ones more of weetabix, rice crispies and porridge...are better..
Crunchy nut has plenty of bad sugars, so it might be something to swap out. Porridge is a good idea, so long as you don't eat too much of it. I found this article on the NHS site which has a variety of other healthy breakfasts to consider too - nhs.uk/Livewell/loseweight/...

I used to eat cereals like Fruit n Fibre until I read the label! Not good at all for losing weight. Then I switched to porridge, better for me but still quite high calories . Then I started healthy eating in earnest, changed to high protein breakfast eg. 2 boiled eggs, scrambled eggs (no butter) , sometimes with one skice of lean bacon, ham , smoked salmon or tomato . Protein breakfast made such a difference to me, I didnt snack mid morning and was satisfied til lunch.
a couple of eggs only 150calories. Ive been using myfitnesspal app to count cakories, fats, carbs etc and steadily lost my excess 23lbs in 5 months. Im now a healthy weight with BMI of 24 . Go to work on an egg is my motto!
Have been struggling to lose weight just read your article about eggs were you eating them every day ?
Hi yes most days. One or two eggs a day, sometimes just with a piece of wholemeal toast, or with lean ham or grilled bacon. I admit I dont eat breakfast until 9 ish but it kept me satisfied til lunchtime without needing my old biscuit snack. (One to two eggs a day is now considered quite ok,no longer the old fear about cholesterol ) .
The other thing I learnt was that cream is not the enemy, these are good fats, and cream in my coffee is quite satisfying so I dont crave a biscuit!.
Then my other meals are soup and a sandwich, or lean chicken and veg, or fish . I kept to 1400 cals a day and by last april I was down to my target Bmi 22.5 . I have maintained my target weight now for nine months, give or take a pound, and I still eat eggs most days.😊
I think it's best to stick to weetabix shredded wheat or porridge oats loads of cereals are loaded with sugars be careful and good luck x
Weetabix have added sugar, Shredded Wheat is 100% Wheat however it's debatable whether we should even be eating wheat, certainly modern wheat but that's whole different story. Out of the 3 you have listed personally I would say Porridge Oats, put simply though you have to remember that they all end up ultimately as sugar once you've eaten them. If you have the opportunity, go for something like Eggs and Bacon, the protein and fat should keep you satisfied for some time after eating.
A qualified yes to that. Porridge itself is low in calories - just look on the packet. If you cook it with milk and swamp it with sugar or syrup you lose the battle. It if quite fibrous and will help with cholesterol and digestive transit. It's one of the few breakfasts with NO sugar, added or already in the product.
Use plain porridge, not one of those instant or berry products. they tend to have added extras we're trying to avoid.
It all depends what you actually enjoy eating enough to be worth the calories... and what satisfies you. A dietician (admittedly one speaking for cereal manufacturers) the other day pointed out her daughter had had Coco Pops for breakfast and she'd had porridge with a drizzle of honey and the sugar content of her own breakfast had been higher. I'd still go for the porridge! I tried Graze breakfast boxes and they were good for teaching me that what looked like a piddling quantity would still leave me satisfied all morning (unfortunately they have changed their format and the portions are quite a big bigger... obviously they are not catering entirely for people who are wanting to lose some weight) But I can have porridge with honey or agave or fruit and a drizzle of double cream and it still fits nicely into the days eating and feels like luxury.
My husband adores Crunchy Nut Cornflakes but he has a massive bowl. He's started 'cutting it' with Oatiflakes and now finds that if we've run out of those, the Crunchy Nut on its own tastes oversweet.
Porridge much better, minimal sugar if choose right variety. I use Flahavans and I stay away from other cereals usually. Sugar is so bad for our health and causes weight/fat gain. You need to keep your blood sugar as stable as possible. So keeping refined sugars low and go for fruits and veg is the way. Any always keep your fibre intake up.