Hi all I thought I would share with you all something from my YouTube playlists. Some of you may know I made this for my motivation and heard me talking about it...but what does this motivation sound like...well, I'm going to show you a link of a pro athlete working out... And your going to be tricked into thinking the words is about weight loss. It's actually a how to be rich and successful motivational speech, but you can adapt it to anything! At the end of the day if you want to sleep or watch tv more than you want to follow your diet or exercise, then how can you be slim with that mindset right?
Anyways don't just listen...hear what he is saying and maybe this can be powerful for you too. I have downloaded it and a few times at the gym I have worked out for over an hour with this song on repeat, that's how focused I was. I got loads of looks at the gym as I was doing sprint intervals on the running machine I must of looked engaged as hell haha. Anyways enjoy I hope this gives you inspiration or even ideas for your own motivation.