Deborah: Hi everyone I'm new, and need... - Weight Loss Support

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Amazonlady profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone I'm new, and need to lose at least 6 stone, I also have Progressive Multiple Scelroses so can not exercises as in a wheelchair. But today is the first day of the rest of my life, diet starts here. Wish me luck.

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Amazonlady profile image
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17 Replies
georgiexx profile image

Best of luck Deborah!

denvajade profile image

Good on you! it sounds as though you are in the right head space, I wish you well. Keep us informed.

Amazonlady profile image

Thanks Guys for your welcome, I well keep you informed of my progress. Deborah

loobyloo222 profile image

Hi Deborah- you sound very positive and that's the best start. I am three weeks in and although I was very ill last week this week has been great and I think I'm getting into my stride. I think there are some exercises you can do from a wheelchair but it depends on your mobility and I would take advice on that one. Just cutting down your portions and counting the calories should mean that you lose weight anyway- so good luck and stay positive!

Candystripe profile image

Wow, you're amazing! Encouraging you all the way.

Fat_Rascal profile image

Definitely wishing you all the luck in the world. Have you tried the Strength and Flex exercises you can download from NHS choices? I'm only on week 1, and you can manage most of those perfectly well sitting down - I know, because I don't have an ipod so I have to memorise the exercises at my desk before leaving my computer to do my walking! They might not help much with the 6 stone, but it's a start and I'm sure it'll motivate you to find other solutions.

gilly57 profile image

Hi Deborah. I too have MS and find the calorie controlling hard at times. I'm in a bad patch at the moment, trying to identify why I'm strong when I'm strong. Any ideas? It can't be hormonal because I'm 57! LOL! Maybe today I'll start again with the less than 900 total regime. Porridge, fruit and veggies! Inspire me too!!! Have a good, positive day. Gill

Amazonlady profile image
Amazonlady in reply to gilly57

Hi Gill I have Progessive MS and 54, not ready to give up yet, i don't have control over much in my life now, but I'm determined to lose weight, I'm know I need to lose 6 stone, but with do it 1 pound at a time. Maybe we can help each other, as we have at least three things in common, one MS two in our 50's and three trying to lose weight. Anyway have a good day, and don't knock yourself if one day you lose it, tomorrow's another day. Lol Deborah

gilly57 profile image

You've said something significant there in passing Deborah, about not having control. I'm investigating this idea in connection with my "success" episodes. I think that psychologically the determination to succeed at losing weight is directly connected to having something you have control of. . . . . . . So much of general life is beyond our control compared to the days before MS hit. Maybe we an help one another. I'm certainly up for it. You've already inspired me to have a positive day. I've already eliminated high cal food from my kitchen so I'm half way there. Later, I'll go into my internet shop and cancel a couple of items! I do find that food planning and prep is help. I make soups in my new soup maker gadget. . . . . always veg based. I'll make some today now. Thanks and catch up soon. Gill

ameliasslave profile image

Good luck Deborah, my brother has progressive MS too he works hard on his weight I think his dog forces him to exercise.

gilly57 profile image

Morning Deborah

How are you today? Is the heat troubling at all? I know it can make me feel even heavier! LOL! Just thought I'd share with you that although I've not been strictly cal counting over the last few days, I've weighed in today expecting to have replaced some of my fat (!) I'm pleasantly surprised to report that at least I haven't gained . . . . . I'm 7lbs down on my starting weight so I guess I've not been as bad as I thought. I have been trying to move more but there are restrictions to that as you know. So your advice about not beating myself up about having bad times was bang on. I did OK yesterday and will be OK today. You just know don't you? Anyway, let me know how you're doing. How active can you be? Do you prepare the food? Not being nosey but if you don't want to go into detail that's OK. Gill

Amazonlady profile image

Hi Gill nice to hear from you, well done as you say at least you haven't put on. Just think each pound you lose is the equivalent of two packs of butter, good way to think of the weight you had lost already. As far as my weight lose well I was doing very well until yesterday when a cream tea was put in front of me, (would had been rude to say no thanks). Have to me stronger with myself and learn to say thanks but no thanks, so started again this morning, haven't beaten myself up just put it behind me, and start again. All the best Gill and this week will be good for both of us.Deborah

Amazonlady profile image

Sorry Gill forgot to answer your questions, and no it's not nosey. I do prepare and cook the food for my husband and myself, as far as what mobility I have well the answer to that is not much, I have a walking frame(don't like to call it a Zimmer frame) makes me sound very old and I don't think 54 is very old, so I can lift my right arm and leg up, but my left side is well let's say I would fail an M.O.T. So the only exercises I get is to and from my Rise and Recline chair, I do try to get up from the chair without raising it all the way, but basically no chance of running a marathon any more(not that I did before the MS). Hope that answers the question. Deborah

gilly57 profile image

Morning Deborah

I've just read your messages. Thanks for that . . . . I'm new to this site and just discovering how to get round it, joining communities etc. I thought you'd gone but found the members search button and hey presto! Glad you enjoyed the cream tea (and the socialising that went with it?) Call that a blip and you're right, move on. I weighed in this morning and am 4lbs off losing my FIRST stone! I'm really chuffed with myself . . . . but I have been going to bed hungry so it is hard. Glad you're on your feet even if with help. I'm on elbow crutches and on good spells can manage to walk round Boots! I drive on hand controls but I get somewhere and if I can't get my scooter out I may as well stay at home! LOL! I have a friend in her late 80s who has MS since the age of 23 and she's affected down one side. With me the dividing line is about my boobs area. So my arms are OK (touch you know what!) ANYWAY, glad to have located you again, and have a good day today. Will report back later! Gill

Amazonlady profile image

Hi Gill

Glad you found me, well done on your weight lose keep it up. Even with my Blip(cream tea) I've lost 2 pounds( 4 packs of butter less to carry around) hope this carries on, will keep on trying. Keep in touch always better when you have someone to contact that is going though the same thing. All the best Deborah

gilly57 profile image

Hi Deborah

Haven't caught you for a while. Hope all is well. And how's the losing going? I've had ups and downs but for me, I think I'm doing OK. Need to reach my first stone loss though and I suspect it's a couple of weeks away. I've increased my calorie intake to something more sustainable, as I was getting hungry and weakened a few times. Since I'm taking in nearer to a 1000 a day it feels better, at least AFTER eating! Just have to go to bed early! Once I climb those stairs even food won't bring me down!! LOL.

Would love to hear how you're doing. Gill

Amazonlady profile image

Hi Gill sorry I haven't emailed for a while had a few personal problems to deal with. Anyway think I am doing ok with my diet and weight loss as my cloths feel loser, can't check as my scales have broken. Hope to get another soon. Have recently been told by my doc that I have an under active Thyroid and high cholesterol so as well as MS have now extra tablets to add to my already growing stash. I sure all the tablets I take a day must add to my weight ha ha. Anyway keep going you have done so well already nearly a stone that's 14 pound or the equivalent in butter 28 packs blimey that's a lot.

LOL Deborah