Watching diet closely with a maximum of 1700 cals per day and and exercising for at least 30 mins for 5 times a week,. Swimming, walking, cycling and just started some resistant exercises. Cut out sugar and on Low G I Diet to try and avoid diabetes medicine and this is what motivates me. Seemed a long way to go 11 weeks ago but just doing a day at a time - it's amazing how the weight keeps falling off. Don't worry that the odd week shows no loss - it generally sorts itself out the next week.. Still having beer and wine. Clothes are getting too big!! Great!
Week 11-lost 24 lbs to date. - Weight Loss Support
Week 11-lost 24 lbs to date.

Well done on your loss and your fantastic attitude - a great way to lose the weight
Thanks. Just gotta keep on the treadmill, in more ways than one!! But, it's got to be done or my GP will start getting the hump!!!!
This is amazing. Very well done to you! I hope I have as much success by my 11th week (I'm only on day 2 at the minute). Finding it quite hard but wish I'd started a LOT sooner before things got so out of hand. Congratulations again, what an inspiration.
One day at a time and you'll get there. After a week or so I found my appetite had changed and I wasnt so hungry, that inspired me to carry on and hopefully will for you too. Good luck
Thank you. I agree - at first all I thought about was food but not now and I rarely feel hungry either. Blooming strange that because I do love my food. I have always said that I live to eat rather than eat to live. Still enjoying my though. and a glass of wine and a few pints each week. It's do-able.

Fantastic result, hope my clothes get too big the moment they are just slightly less tight than last month, I am still at least a stone away from the next size down I think! I've been on 1200 cals a day for 3 wks but been on holiday for this past 5days, so I expect its a case of 2 steps forward and 1 step back... I hope to be 22lbs smaller by 1sept.
I am wearing clothes that were skin tight a few weeks ago, and I, at first, thought this was not possible. But, by being strict with myself and not "picking" it has happened.....pound by pound. I do feel that exercise is as important as the diet though. At 1200 cals per day you'll easily lose 22lbs by September. I had a week holiday in the middle and had extra beers and eating out too. but over a fortnight I still made a loss. keep it up - you can do it!!!!
Well done on your weight loss and the positive attitude. Remember "The Hare and the Tortoise", slow and steady will get you the best results.

Totally agree about the Ferrari and the Ford!!! Thanks
you can do it, believe me. Remember - all weight loss starts with the first pound!!! day by day, it continues. Don't think beyond today or tomorrow.
Excellent that really motivates me! I have started today doing couch to 5k and had 1300 cals so far today we'll done on your success