Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (7th April 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
22 Replies

Good morning.

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 9.6 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 10.0 pounds, so I've gained 0.4 pounds this week. I am disappointed to have gained because I have been quite disciplined this week, and had chosen healthy foods (on the whole) and also done quite a bit of exercise. I walked most days, and I also went to the gym and also did an Aerobics class (which was enjoyable). I also did 2 core conditioning sessions at home.

I had been hoping to lose some weight, but never mind, I must keep on track and then hopefully the weight-loss will happen.

I hope you have had a good week, and I hope you'll join me for this weigh-in and share your experiences.

Wishing everyone a good week for next week as well.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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22 Replies
bispers profile image

Morning Lowcal

It's so frustrating when you know you've had a good week and the scales don't show it - but it is only 0.4 pounds and that could be for any number of reasons as we know. It will soon be off and you'll have a lower weight reading.

I've gained again - Docs advice was to stop trying to lose weight at the moment as so many other stressful things were going on - just try not to gain. Failed that!

Physio still happening and although my back is now getting better, my feet aren't, so no walking unless necessary.

Starting to log everything I eat again as without doing that, I eat mindlessly and portion size increases - the choices I have been making have not been the best either.

Head is in the right place this morning - fingers crossed, here goes again!

Have a good week all and hope the results over the last week have been good for you.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

Thanks for your encouraging words, which are appreciated as always.

Like you said, you have a lot of stress in your life at the moment, and it's good that your doctor has advised you on how to go forward, and also that you have your Physio appointments etc to support you. Glad to hear your back is getting better, and hopefully your feet will also improve in time.

I log everything that I eat, and I do find that to be really helpful in keeping portions and food choices in check, so I am sure that will be a helpful thing to do. Glad to hear your head is in the right place this morning, and hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to bispers

Keep weighing Bispers it's the only way it's important to know how much you have lost, or gained

bispers profile image
bispers in reply to Prin

I know you are both right, logging food and weighing is so important. Two good days and feeling motivated by this thread and support. Thank you!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

Great to hear you've had two good days and that you're feeling motivated. A great mind-set is half the battle! Hope the remainder of the week goes really well too.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to bispers

Have a good week, I was away last week so did not wiegh and I know if I put weight on I would feel down and eat more,so I am aiming at being good this week and hope it shows next Monday. Good luck to all Monday weigh inns! Congrat to those that lost.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Peacerose,

I hope you had an enjoyable week last week, and that you have a positive week this week. Hopefully it's going well so far.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Morning girls, Lowcal it is so frustrating when that happens! Then other weeks you get a loss without trying too hard, I was 10 12 and a half this morning had quite a bit of eating out last week ( and lunch out today!) so pleased with that, bought a new mac on Saturday size 10 so have to stay below 11 so it will fit :) have a good week everyone and remember Easter is just round the corner!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I'd forgotten about Easter! Temptations will abound. We'll have to be diligent. :-)

Congratulations on your size 10 purchase - sounds really nice. Hope you have an enjoyable lunch out today and that you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Zest

Forgot to say well done for keeping up the classes, Go Girl!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Thank you! Hope you are having a great week yourself.

Lowcal :-)

ladylocolisa profile image

Hello everyone

Today is my first day so I am hoping to join you all with a good weigh-in next week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ladylocolisa

Hi Ladylocolisa,

A warm welcome to you! Hope you have a great first day and look forward to you joining us for a good weigh-in next week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to ladylocolisa

Hi LLL hopefully you will lose but don't be worried if you don't we have all been up or down or static here! For me if I don't acknowledge my weight weekly it runs away fingers crossed it's been okay the last 6 months or so, thanks Lowcal for our weekly thread

Dingbat profile image

Hi Lowcal, we all know that feeling of not losing after a "good" week - head says it's fine, heart says " but I deserved a loss!" keep going with the right things and it will work out eventually.

I will report a loss from 73.4 kg to 72.8 so about a pound. Pleased, but know I could have done more to help myself. However, the longer I go on with this, I feel I am getting better at portion control and I think that is helping me.

Will aim to improve the exercise part this week - if I exercise I feel less tempted by the wrong foods. Do others feel that way?

Have a good week everyone - don't be hard on yourselves.

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg in reply to Dingbat

Definitely - I feel that if I've worked hard to exercise, I'm less likely to "waste" that hard work with the wrong foods.

Well done for the pound loss, and for the growing understanding about portions. Well done everyone else too for this weeks efforts, whether you had a loss or gain.

I had a 3lb loss which is great but a little surprising. (Quite possibly due to water retention.) This week's goal is to try a body conditioning class.

Good luck to everyone this week with the journey to a healthier lifestyle!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Congratulations on your weight loss. You've had a good week! I hope you enjoy your body conditioning class. Hope you enjoy it.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal - the body conditioning last night was great (well, "great" in a stretching, slightly painful way if you know what I mean!). Thanks for the encouragement to get me there. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Really glad that you got to your Body Conditioning class, and that you enjoyed it. Really good!

Hope you have a great weekend.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dingbat

Hi Dingbat,

Well done on losing your pound, that's a great result! It's great that you are feeling more confident about your portion control as well. That's half the battle I think.

Thanks for your encouraging words. I hope that you enjoy your plans to exercise this week and that you have a great week. I agree with you that exercise definitely helps a lot.

Lowcal :-)

Blanket profile image

Hi everyone,

Lowcal, well done for doing all your classes last week, sounds like you've had fun and I'm sure you're healthier for it! I agree that sometimes the scales don't always reflect how hard we try. It can be really frustrating and feel like a set back when the scales go up and you've tried so hard but we all enjoy the other side of the coin - when the scales go down and you haven't really tried!! Guess we need to have acceptance of either situation, rather than emotionally repsond to it. The scales are only there as a guide after all.

Well, my post this week is late as I FINALLY handed in all my uni work yesterday. It's been an incredibly rubbish week (from Friday night to this morning I have had 14 hours sleep and lived on toast) so I given myself permission to no worry about weight until it was all over. This morning I weigh 12st 4lbs which is about what I've hovered at for a few weeks. I'm happy with that given that I've hardly moved (literally - my legs were so swollen I couldn't get my boots on yesterday morning!) and I have eaten lots of 'easy' food which has been fairly un-nutritious. BUT, this is my week of self indulgent exercise fun!!!! I am hoping to work hard (I bought myself a voucher for Military Fitness classes) and I have also set myself a challenge of running 10 miles by next Monday. And like Dingbat said, the healthier my habits the less inclinded I am to eat the 'wrong' food as I've worked so bloomin' hard!

Hi to LidyLocoLisa! Hope you find the forum helpful - and the challenge of weight loss for next Monday :o)

Well done to all the 'losers' and good luck to all of us 'losers-to-be next week'.

Hope everyone has a great week. Just think, one day soon we might have some sunshine, then we'll be a bit more motivated to wear the little summer tops we want to get back into (well, that's one of my motivations anyway!). :o) x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Blanket

Hi Blanket,

Congratulations on getting your Uni work in - that must feel so satisfying, and hopefully you'll be able to begin to eat more nutritious foods now that you might have a bit more time to focus on that. Great to hear that you're looking forward to some exercise fun this week - I hope you enjoy all your classes, and that your 10 miles of running goes well - hopefully the sun will shine more.

It's great to have some goals to work towards, and hopefully you'll be wearing your summer tops again very soon.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

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