Trying to lose about 20 pounds. I can'... - Weight Loss Support

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Trying to lose about 20 pounds. I can't exercise because of my chronic pain. I've tried diet pills but so far nothing is working.

mitziblue profile image
18 Replies

Anyone know of something out there that actually works? I don't eat that much and do eat healthy??? HELP


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mitziblue profile image
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18 Replies
Penel profile image

Hi Mitziblue

Sorry to hear about the chronic pain. Has your doctor suggested any ways of losing weight? Are you are on any medication that could affect things?

Different diets work for different people. The NHS has recommendations that seem to work well for some. I find that I need to eat less carbohydrates than they recommend in order to lose weight. I cannot eat anything with gluten in, so tend to get most of my carbs from vegetables. This site has some ideas that might be helpful. I hope you can find something that works for you.

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to Penel

Thanks but actually I am eating a low carb diet and still don't lose weight.

Windswept1 profile image

If you are not already doing it might be worth keeping a food diary & counting calories?

GRUMPYA profile image

Basically the only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. Exercise is not necessary it just makes it easier so basically you need to find out how many calories you need then eat 500 to 1000 calories a day less. If you go on the nhs bmi calculator and put in your details honestly then the lower figure they give you should be a good guide to losing weight. There is an android app called my meal mate which does it very well too. You have to record everything that passes your lips including vegetables gravy flavoured water milk in tea and coffee etc.

Unless you have a thyroid disorder or adrenal problems you will lose weight but it does mean being very strict and if you cannot exercise you may have to eat less than an active person.

My friend who is tetra plegic has lost 7 stone i use a wheelchair and have lost over 20lb. So it does work.

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to GRUMPYA

Thank you, I'm not sure if I have any other issue. I know that I normally could maintain my weight and within the last 6 months it's like nothing is working. Guess I need to see my doctor.

Hello Mitziblue,

I'm new to this site so haven't replied to many people - well none till now. I'm responding to yours because you're asking for something that actually works. And I don't disagree with other comments - different things clearly work for different people and yes you have to eat less calories than you burn.

But I am suggesting a more radical shift and one that not only loses weight but gives you the best weapon your body has to fighting disease and sickness.

Last March my daughter got cancer and one day she told me she wanted a book about what to eat if you have cancer. Apparently cancer hates cabbage. This started me on a journey of reading and a realisation that much of what I was eating wasn't that good for me - and I thought I was eating a pretty good diet. Admittedly I was overweight, well obese by 3 stone in fact but this wasn't the result of junk food, just a good Western diet and a bit too much wine. For the last year I have been eating a a wholefood plant-based diet, which means I'm a vegan who doesn't eat processed foods. The rice is brown, the bread is wholemeal, the milk is soy and this is still quite a shock for a 57 year old meat and dairy eater.

It sounds a massive shift but compared to what - excess weight and poor health? It was and is easy, extremely enjoyable and I'm eating plenty - including carbs and still red wine.

I'm over 3 stone lighter than a year ago, am no longer obese and, after a plateau for a couple of months, am again losing weight slowly (2 lbs a month) and on my way to a normal weight. Oh, and I feel great. I have arthritic hips and was told I would need both my hips replacing before too long. They are still not perfect but they're getting better not worse. I don't wake up in pain any more. My daughter had to undergo chemo, is now in remission and the same diet has helped her through this process.

I'm just suggesting that you suspend disbelief and look into this. I have read some amazing books. The China Study by T.Colin Campbell was the real world-changer for me but Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B Esselstyn MD, The Starch Solution by John McDougall MD, Health at 100 by John Robbins are amongst the books that re-inforced the views. There's a video called Forks over Knives and I use the Forks Over Knives cookbook amongst others. If you want to see what great food looks like google Deliciously Ella (and read her story).

The documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead was based on the same views and is very inspiring. I still question some of this, I read the other side of the argument too, but I am convinced - as is Bill Clinton by the way. Admittedly, he suffered some heart bypass operations before discovering this.

Anyway, sorry to have written such a long reply but hope it helps and good luck.

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to

Thank you for you response!!! I already eat healthy. I have salad for lunch and cereal for dinner with almond milk. If I snack it's white cheese and crackers. I really don't eat much, and rarely ever eat meat.

sparkleblue profile image

Hi its sparkleblue here I came on few days ago NERVE PAIN and left a couple of answer's for you wondered if it was OK if you could have a read and get bk to me you seem really helpful. X

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to sparkleblue

Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I haven't gotten any notice. Could you message me your questions as I'd like to help you!!! xxxx Mitzi

sparkleblue profile image

Ok ill take a look email u back x

sparkleblue profile image

Hi thank you for your kind email means a lot that people can be supported.

There is couple more questions so hope you don't mind

This whole thing started 7 months ago with burning in my tummy radiated to my back that's why I had a MRI on my lower back as my doctor wanted to make sure it was not my back.

can Fibro start in just one place on the body but now spread all over body?

Can fibro cause nerve pain all over?

Is there a specialist you can go to for diagnosis for fibro?

What do thay look for in colonoscopy?

Can ct scan show nerve pain or damage?

As the pain is constant don't seem to have any brakes with this is fibro constant? Mind you tho since Saturday and uped gabipentan and put on oramorph the pain has esased and burning is not as bad, that will proberly be help from allergy skin tablets I do know that I can't tolerate the heat, is heat a sin?

Thank you for reading xx:-)

sorry didn't no how to email you personly thankyou for reading? X

mitziblue profile image

It sounds like the way my fibro started. My stomach would kill me. Yes fibro does move around your body, it's a nervous system disorder. So much has changed since I first got it. It affects your skin, muscles, moods, stomach, intestines, and with some even your eyes. Your family doctor should be able to check you for it. I would get him or her to send you to a pain clinic. I was at my wits end, and now my life is at least bearable. Question: look at you finger nails and near the cuticles count your half moons. People with fibro don't have many, some have none at all. You my want to get an EGD where they go down your throat with a scope. Your asleep so it doesn't hurt. That way if it's gallstones or an ulcer you'd know. I also had that while dealing with the fibro. Hope this helps sweetheart. Let me know if I can be of anymore help. xxxx Mitzi

sparkleblue profile image

Hi thankyou for this yes the more i get to here about fibo the more i think this could be the problem is it constant? Asbi have not had a brake with this part from now as the meds seem to be doing a trick unless its me getting better x

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to sparkleblue

Sweetheart, you will have good days and terrible days, the worse part is not knowing how to plan anything as it can change from day to day, week to week, etc.... It really has a mind of it's own. I call it the wonderful world of Fibro. Sarcastic I know, but it's better to laugh than cry. Please let me know when you find out something. xxxx Mitzi

sparkleblue profile image
sparkleblue in reply to mitziblue

Thanks Hun yes course i will but u know the nhs lol its cool to be sarcastic when u pain thanks again you have been a help x

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to sparkleblue

I hope so. Looking forward to hearing from you, praying you get some good news, or at the least some answers. xxx Mitzi

skyblue1 profile image

Try to keep a food diary for a few days and include everything! Total up the calories accurately and from there you know what to do. If that amount is just maintaining your weight you need to reduce it. ( I have a mobility problem myself so it is tougher - less calories) but not impossible. Good luck.:)

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to skyblue1

Thanks sweetheart, I think it maybe because last week I had a EGD and they found fungus in my esophagus. Not sure, but should know soon after I finish the medicine. xxxx Mitzi

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