I've been following the NHS Choices advice for the last 6 weeks - had around 10 days when I ate what I wanted (and paid for it) but am around 7 lbs lighter than when I started. I had a meal out last night - increased my exercise during the day, didn't have a pudding (most unusual), no wine as I was driving and had a good time.
I am so pleased as I am feeling much more energetic and sleeping better. I have a family party on Sunday so need to keep myself 'in check' but am looking forward to the next weigh in.
My success is partly down to the support on this forum - so thank you, whether you have answered questions, made supportive or informative comments either directly or indirectly, or just been there.
Good luck to my fellow healthy-eaters - keep up the good work and it does pay off and will be worth it in the end. I see this as a change for life now, not just 'another diet'.