Im giving a bit of background because now I’m worried, I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 16 I am now 23. at 16 i was going over a year without a period and started getting a little facial hair, i was then scanned for pcos which the hospital confirmed I have it, I was a normal weight nothing was really bad however doctors always tell me I should lose my weight (not sure how much I weighted back then)
At 19 I started taking the pill but it put a heavy amount of weight on me and struggled and still am struggling to lose that weight. The pill also gave me horrific mood swing and I’d get upset about the most silliest of things, I then stopped all contraception as I had tried a few and each one made me feel something.
At 23 now I hadn’t had a period since roughly October last year and that was spotting not really a ‘normal’ period. I had started last month on the 16th June and it’s not stopped since and now it’s July 13th, from the beginning of it, the period was slowing down like they do and then started going a darker red when usually that’s classed as being near the end.
I’m worried if maybe I’m losing too much? And it’s now like a watery fresh red colour, is it normal to be this long if I haven’t had one in a while? Any advice would be appreciated