Hiya guys, I have been diagnosed with pcos and was wondering dose this mean I will never be able to have a child of my own ?😐
Hiya guys, I have been diagnos... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Hiya guys, I have been diagnos...
Hi cazzaa
Not at all, ovulation just may not be a monthly regular thing like normal, but on a healthy diet and exercise it can help. Many ladies have babies naturally with pcos. My cousin has pcos and she will be having her baby very soon! X
I was diagnosed with PCOS and struggled for 2 years to get pregnant. I had no periods at all for about 3 years, I also piled
The weight on, the doctor suggested loosing just 10% of my body weight to start seeing a difference with the symptoms, the spots, the greasy skin, the excess body hair and also had a male hair pattern starting. I lost 2 1/2 stone and symptoms virtually disappeared and I got pregnant naturally A year after giving birth i am now as heavy as I was before I lost weight and the symptoms of PCOS have come Flooding back! So for me being over weight makes my symptoms a lot worse.
I didn’t think I would ever have a child of my own but it is possible and PCOS is really quite common.
No it is really rare not to conceive due to pcos, some ladies conceive easily, some need a bit of help and some extra - I would get your body in the best possible shape to conceive by eating a low GI diet and making sure your bmi is under 30 in case you do need further fertility assistance.