I'm worried that I might have PCOS, my periods usually come every 5 weeks, but I haven't had a period in 5 months now. I took a pregnancy test when it was about a month late and it was negative, and I have no symptoms of pregnancy. Could this be PCOS or is there another reason my period could be so late? Thanks
Could I have PCOS?: I'm worried that I... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Could I have PCOS?

I'm also experiencing the exact same thing! I haven't had my period for 2 months now, and that period was also two months late as well. I've taken lots of tests and they're all negative, and I don't have any pregnancy symptoms either. It may well be PCOS. Have you called your GP?
I rang them a couple days ago, they asked me to take another pregnancy test to be sure then book blood tests if its negative to check if it could be PCOS. Have you contacted them at all? Seems like we have a very similar thing cause I also had a kind of mini period at the end of April but it was no where near as heavy as my periods normally are.
Did you take another pregnancy test? I've taken about 5-6 the past couple months. I didn't even know you could book blood tests right now because of corona! I contacted them but I didn't mention PCOS (I should've) but I'm on hold right now and I'm going to try again and mention it. All they said last time was it'll come eventually. I've been having cramps past couple days so I'm assuming it'll start soon, but I also took an emergency contraceptive pill last week. If you want I can keep you up to date, if there are any developments or changes on your end could you update me to? Are you going to get the blood test then?
Yeah of course I'll keep you updated and vice versa, I got a pregnancy test today so I'll take it tomorrow and let you know, should be negative tho, I can't expect it being positive. And yeah doctors aren't the best with this. I've contacted them several times about having extremely bad cramps to the point of throwing up in pain and they've always just said to take painkiller instead of trying to figure out what it was. And doctors and that are taking blood tests near me but could be different in different areas.
Okay great. I spoke to them today and I'm going in tomorrow for a scan/check, so I'll let you know what the results are from that. I'm also going to take a pregnancy test in a couple days time, as I'm planning on going on the pill anyway and want to check.
Hey! Just wondering if your test was negative or positive then? I’ve been sent a request to have an appointment made but it won’t be for a while.
Was negative thankfully. I had blood tests on Friday but my doctor rang yesterday to say I needed to redo them and that shes going to ring again Wednesday morning to talk to me about it before I redo them, so not really sure what that means...