Hi, I had an appointment with my GP last Tuesday, but I am just wondering how often do i have to wait for an ultrasound letter to come through? Like a general wait time, I have never had a scan before and I am also just wondering if the nurse will tell me if there is actually something wrong, or will she just let the doctor tell me?
Ultrasound: Hi, I had an appointment with... - PCOS UK (Verity)

Hi - My daughter waited around 3 weeks for her scan. She had an ultrasound at the hospital and the sonographer told her they were no foliciles on her ovaries and also they were not enlarged. She also told her the thickness of her womb lining which was also fine.
She was told from the gyne that you need 2 out of 3 symptoms from PCOS she has lack of cycle and it her blood test confirmed it.
Hope all goes well
It varies hugely from NHS to NHS so it could be months before you get an appointment through. Ideally the scanner should not really tell you anything as that is not their job to diagnose so dont worry if they dont as it doesnt mean the worst.
I have had a few scans and you should get the letter within the next 2 weeks I would think, but the scan usually happens within 4 -5 weeks. Every time I had my scans they told be what they could see, but when it gets back to the GP then you will know more