Hi all, will try and keep it brief but I'm sure as many of you ladies know pcos seems to be a long hard confusing battle but will try and keep it brief. Diagnosed with Pcos around age 20 and fluid in fallopian tube more recently. Periods non existent. Pain daily.
2011: Internal Scan, was told one of my fallopian tubes was wrapped around my ovary.
2017: Internal Scan- I mentioned to the lady doing the scan about fallopian tube issue mentioned previously she said it' very difficult to see the tubes from this type of scan but that she had seen in my notes that the scan in 2011 had showed my fallopian tube had fluid in it (news to me) so she would see if she could find it again and she did and said the same.
Went back to GP for official results and she said scan had shown fluid in my tube but no change from 2011 and it wasn't of any significance so no further action just that she would write back to the gaeno who'd requested the scan.
Now here's were I'm struggling......if the internal scan barely shows the tubes up as its not designed to look at the tubes how can they know this blocked tube is of no significance without further testing? Should I be pushing my GP to have this investigated further as ive read about many ladies having the tubes tested to check the blockage. Im booked in again on 5th Dec to see GP as I'm not happy with that outcome just wondering what othwr ladies views on it are as to whether I should be pushing for further tests? Thanks