Hi All,
I have been diagnosed with PCOS and not really been given any helpful advise from docs apart from keep trying and lose weight.
I am 28 and have been trying to conceive for the last 3years. I am slightly overweight but have been told that my BMI is good as I exercise 5 times a week and have a healthy lifestyle.
However in the past year/18 months I have put on a stone for no specific reason, my GP puts it down to PCOS.
My skin is really bad and getting me down at the moment, I am spending so much money to try and sort it out and cover up blemishes, the stuff from my GP doesn't work but I've been told it could take 3 months to work, that's not helpful to me in the immediate.
I am using ovulation strips but my periods are very irregular (1 in every 4 months) and when I do have them they last anything between 10-35 days.
Can anyone suggest anything to help me?