Does anyone take Rituxamab for Churg Strauss Syndrome?
If so, does it matter if you are ANCA negative/positive?
I've heard good things about it, so would like to know more.
Does anyone take Rituxamab for Churg Strauss Syndrome?
If so, does it matter if you are ANCA negative/positive?
I've heard good things about it, so would like to know more.
We have not heard of anyone having RTX for CSS but there is no reason why it should not be used for treating CSS. We know it is used for treating WG (GPA) but then WG is far more common than CSS. It does not matter if you are ANCA+ or ANCA- as it is the clinical symptoms that really count.
Hope this helps
My partner was diagnosed with CSS around 6 months ago.
His treatment has consisted so far of cyclophosamide and prednisolone, his consultant recommended that Rituxamib was introduced to his treatment. He starts this next week.
My husband is having Rituximab for CSS. 3 infusions so far next one In March. His blood tests have shown the B cells have no gone, so yes it is successful. Hope this helps. Marie