Does anyone suffer from very dry mouth and t... - Vasculitis UK

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Does anyone suffer from very dry mouth and thirst during the night?

JanetR profile image
7 Replies

Better immediately when I get up in the morning, but not solved by drinking water, however often, during the night.

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JanetR profile image
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7 Replies
vivdunstan profile image

I do, but mine is almost certainly due to drugs, particularly the Detrusitol / Tolterodine I take to help with my severe bladder incontinence from the brain damage from my cerebral vasculitis. I used to get a much more dry mouth when I was on Oxybutinin, another anti-incontinence drug, but couldn't cope with that. So I switched to Detrusitol, which also causes dry mouths (all these anti-incontinence drugs do), but less, and copeable with.

My dentist is concerned, but appreciates I have to be on the drug for life to have a bearable quality of life. Without it I'd be in the bathroom every 15 minutes, all day all night, every single day of the year. So he has me see the hygenist every 3 months, I have special high-strength calcium toothpaste from the GP on the dentist's recommendation, and get tips on dental hygiene.

PatriciaAnn profile image

Yes, I also have a dry mouth and throat during the night. I thought it might have been because I take my Adcal (calcium) in the evening. I tried taking it earlier but it didn't make any difference. Usually a glass of water helps remedy the matter, but then, of course, I have to get up and pay a visit. Have you tried a humidifier in the bedroom? That might keep the air moist and prevent your mouth from drying. Just a thought.


Dave_Buzzey_B profile image

Hi Janel all of us VA sufferers, suffer different symptoms I am the total opposite

to you I suffer with overactive mouth salavation which also causes me to want to drink more so I am often up all hours of the night on the toilet. Dave

JanetR profile image

Thanks all for your answers, I was also reading about the "sweating a lot" question, which I do, but not quite to the extent that I get up and change bedding etc. it seems like it might go with the dry mouth thing. However, I don't suffer the dry mouth during the day, but I do have hot flushes. Think these may just be menopausal.

Jackie29 profile image

Hello Janet,

It is only in the last few months that I have suffered from night sweats and an extremely dry mouth and thirst over night. It is not menopausal and I am being tested for TB (not to panic you as my consultant does not believe I have it, the test is more precautionary), I have MPA and stage 4 kidney failure and currently I am being weaned off Cellcept due to skin cancer!

If anyone one of us finds the answer, please post!

JanetR profile image

Oh Jackie I'm sorry to hear you have such a lot to cope with. Did any of your medications change before you started with the sweats and dry mouth? I was suffering the dry mouth and sweats at their worst before my treatment, when my joint pain was at its worst, and my inflammation blood count was really high, so I don't think it's to do with medication really, unless it's the lowering of the steroid dose.....

SwgS profile image

Funnily enough,i was laid in bed last night thinking, why is my mouth always so dry at night!

It maybe the lowering dose,as my inflammation markers are all low,but,my pain is very much worse at the moment.And other tests show i do have inflammation.

Who knows with Vasculitis,it just totally changes our bodies :(

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