a friend of mine who recently renewd her claim sent all her paper work with the renewal form only to be told they not recieved it and say it must of been lost in post,is this quite common.she didnt copy any of her paper work either.
advice on dla: a friend of mine who recently... - Vasculitis UK
advice on dla

I always advise everyone when submitting any paper work to any government body to photo copy their paper work. I always advise people to submit a copy of their medication with one of those official lists you receive with prescriptions too. I would take the comment "lost in the post" with a pinch of salt it could easily have been lost in their own department. I think it is a caos.... as well as dealing with all the renewal forms and evidence nearly everyone who fails their renewal is appealing too. People have been told their paper work is lost and then it is found again... and yes we have heard of this before. It is very easy to blame the post.... It is awful...the way people are treated... If you would like to write a blog about this in the group and warn people from your own friend's personal experience it would help others to be more on their guard.
I hope your friend manages to collect her paper work together again... she could always put in a complaint....
best wishes
I was advised to always make copies and send by recorded delivery ,it does not cost must.This way you will know the exact time and date they received it.
I also photo copy any appointment letters and letters from consultants and use them as evidence and if you ask GP surgery you can get a patient summary of drugs.
I have recently requested a copy of letters from all my consultants good for evidence but also good to see what they are saying about you .!!!
Hope this helps a little.
I know that recent changes within DWp have seen all mail sent to and from a centralised sorting office for each area of the country So the people you are speaking to dont recieve the mail in a lot of the cases. often the forms take a week or so once received at the mail office to be sent to the relevant dept and again it may be a few days before the person actually has chance to start sorting things out. I know it is frustrating as we get people ringing up for forms and copies of their claims we can only send a message to the relevant dept to be reissued when done in house we would simply reprint and our admin team would post out the next day. Please dont shout at us on the phone we have no control
hi kath its been about 3 weeks and she was told we havnt recieved it so its lost in post,may i ask do you work for the relevant dept as you obviously know a bit a bout this .thankyou
Hi i dont work For Dla but work in benefit office taking calls so dont know how Dla is run but they are now reassing people through Atos. Hope the documents turn up soon Others wise I would proberly not wait and try to re send with another claim pack
just a update my friend had a letter today from dla cnfirming they recieved her claim on 17th nov .i cant get my head round the fact they told her they didnt recieve it?
just a update my friend had a letter today from dla cnfirming they recieved her claim on 17th nov .i cant get my head round the fact they told her they didnt recieve it?