Todays meeting at Birmingham was attended by about 60 people. As usual it was a most interesting event and the two speakers were excellent, both in terms of their style and what they had to say. David Carruthers talk about all aspects of the "Diagnostic Process", emphasing that test results were only a guide and that it was how the patient is and feels, that tells more about it. Andrew McClean's talk on "The current study of Fatigue in Vasculitis" is very detailed, so far there only early results but they are still recruiting volunteers to take part. It will involve travelling to Birmingham and spending a day or 2 half days there. They are still also recruiting healthy volunteers to act as a "control group". If you would like to join, or a member of your family would like to join, contact Andrew McClean
email It is a really good research project and the results will undoubtedly be of great benefit and lead to further research. There will be a full report in the Vasculitis-uk Spring Newsletter.