Have been on azathaprine for a couple of months and have recently developed a cold, which has got worse and have some terrible cold sores. I am sure I had read something about cold sores somewhere, am I being paranoid or dreaming? Wonder if I should go to my GP.
Cold Sores: Have been on azathaprine for a... - Vasculitis UK
Cold Sores

Did you suffer from cold sores before? If not maybe you should check with your doctor or pharmasist just to make sure.
There is a piece on the Newcastle Hospital site that says you may get cold sores newcastle-hospitals.org.uk/... it says "Patients taking azathioprine treatment may have a slightly increased number of common infections such as coughs, colds and cold sores." but doesn't say what to do about it!
I am on Azathioprine and have not had any problems with cold sores but I didn't before either. (Touch wood)
Good Luck
I have AV and find I now get cold sores, usually inside my nose, I used to have cold sores on my lip but haven,t had them for some years now. The ones I get now I,ve had for about 2years, I,m not on Azathioprine just Prednisolone and Anti Histamines but feel sure it,s to do with the Vasculitis.I put Acciclovar on them for a few days and then Iuse Happinose that can be bought at the chemist.and it does seem to restrict the length of time they last for,I know this may not be helpfull if your sores are on your lip,however Accyclovir can help ease the discomfort.. Many years ago I was prescribed an ointment called Graenaline ( I,m not sure of the spelling ) and that worked very well although use sparingly as it can thin the skin.
sorry should have said UV.might help if i put my glasses on
I've only suffered with cold sores since I've been on azathioprine. Horrible things. I've also had warts on my hands which I was told is a result of being on aza.
Thank you for the replies. I went to my GP today who was very helpful, actually said that the cold sores were more a result of the prednisolone. I have had them before the WG but just one in the past, I have three on my bottom lip and one large one on the top at the moment, the GP was not surprised that they were worse than in the past.
Have decided to follow my old routine of dousing them with gin on a bit of tissue. Seems the best remedy for me. It's my first cold since being diagnosed with WG in February so was worrying a bit that the disease was not at rest for the time being. Reassured by my GP who told me to come back next week if I still had the cold and he would do blood tests.
Read the Newcastle Hospital site and have made a note of the creams just in case they persist.
Feel better this evening, it's surprising what a bit of reassurance can do.
Keep well, all of you.