I don't know if people with other forms of vasculitis ever lose their driving licences due to their vasculitis, but this happened to me, with cerebral vasculitis. My symptoms are similar to MS and other related neurological diseases, and so it's not too surprising I eventually lost the licence, even if it took some years to actually happen.
In the early years (I fell ill in 1994) I was still driving, but stopped almost totally in 1996 after a number of near accidents. My vision was becoming badly affected - very slowed-down and tunnel-like - and I was having increasing difficulty concentrating on the road and other traffic, and also controlling the vehicle with my hands.
My doctors weren't concerned about my driving then, and didn't realise how seriously ill I was - it would be another year before I was properly diagnosed, and even then they didn't realise how bad my symptoms were. Ironically DVLA only started to become concerned _after_ my immunosuppressive treatment had started, and my visual problems started to improve (one of the few symptoms that did improve in my case with treatment). Then my licence was temporarily revoked, and I had a range of tests to check I was still safe to drive.
I got my licence back after those tests, but for the next decade and more it had to be reviewed every 3 years by the medical DVLA team. I still wasn't driving though, apart from a very occasional short trip to the health centre, or the supermarket down in Monifieth. I knew I wasn't safe for longer journeys, and would only dare travel short distances when alert enough.
Everything changed this year though. This time instead of getting my licence renewed for another 3 years it was revoked, permanently. My consultant says I might get it back when my disease is less active. But I don't expect to, because my disease is progressive, and I expect the problems that make it dangerous for me to drive now (and I agree I would be dangerous) would still be there in future, even if we could put my disease into a proper remission.
Luckily I don't need to drive. My husband can drive me. And when he's away on business my Dad can give me lifts if need be. I also have a disabled bus pass, but can't use that so much: the bus stop is too far from my house for me to walk to. And I have a disabled blue badge for parking that I can use whoever is taking me out and about.
I miss driving, but know that I'd be too dangerous. So now I'm just fit for driving dodgem cars. Ah well!