This post this morning has resonated with me. As a child and young adult I had what was termed ‘a temper’ (never physical but shouting I now learn can do as much damage) and growing up this was constantly pointed out to me. On meeting my now husband of 40+ years he gradually showed me other ways to deal with situations that perhaps didn’t ‘scare’ people as much as my reaction normally would have done. So reading this it felt as if I could completely understand how keeping silent/ going with others suggestions/ not standing up for myself more in situations I couldn’t control/ not being able to say no, may have contributed to my developing Vasculitis, as up until now I’d chalked it down to severe stress at work. Only with my two poor children did my temper show itself ( when they didn’t do as asked, listen, stop fighting etc etc ) but at least they then did as asked! I’ve since apologised and they assure me they came to no harm and are successful well adjusted adults.
Does this article resonate with anyone else??