CEV Protection - An Alternative View - Vasculitis UK

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CEV Protection - An Alternative View

Investigator1 profile image
9 Replies

Last week I started a Conversation about the CEV being forgotten and I thank you all for your honest and passionate responses, I enjoyed reading (as everybody else did) all of them. I have an alternative idea to protect the CEV, it’s very radical but that’s me and taking into account the attitudes of people refusing to be vaccinated towards us what do you think of this:

There are 3.7 Million of us in the Uk who are CEV and really distraught about Monday. The vast majority of us have stuck to the rules and shielded as requested. However a number of those who are not CEV have totally ignored the rules and a large amount of these are those who are not having the vaccines. So now it should be our turn. There are still about 10% of the adult population to have their first jab, assuming those will go on to have the second jab that will mean about 5 million will not be vaccinated there will be a few more to come forward so in a couple of months the number of CEV and Non vaccinated adults won’t be too different from the CEV So my proposal is flip things on it’s head:

Ensure all adults without legitimate reason who have refused to have the vaccine to shield until further notice.

Many times I have heard people saying “we need to get on with our lives, the CEV need to stay away” well we have done so let’s us get on with our lives and isolate those who pose the greater risk not just to the CEV but everybody.

I know it’s a simplistic view with elements that might upset some people but it’s only a view. But wouldn’t that make a lot of us feel more confident. What do you think? Nick.

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Investigator1 profile image
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9 Replies
May7 profile image

I totally agree. But I can't see it happening, sadly.There are people who won't have the vaccine (there's a chip in it !), they won't take the simple test they can administrate themselves, they won't have the app, they won't give their phone number to the pub, and so on. (I know some personally). Yet they still expect their freedom!

There seems no way to stop them, because we haven't got a government that will. They refuse even to make mask wearing in enclosed spaces mandatory by law while waiting for everyone (that will) to get vaccinated.

I am so upset and angry about so called freedom day, having waited patiently for the vaccination program to cover most adults, and the mask wearing to continue, so that I, and my husband, can resume at least part of our normal lives, gradually. Now we will be going backwards instead of forwards this summer.

As you all know, this doesn't just affect us CEV people personally, but our spouses, partners and families, multiplying the number of people either shielding or partly shielding.

This whole thing has really got to me, after having accepted my lot for so long.

I am hoping for a Boris U Turn on the masks, because there is a lot of support for it, but perhaps that's pie in the sky.

DorsetLady profile image

Unfortunately if they have refused vaccine they are certainly going to refuse to isolate /shield! You are not addressing sensible/rational people…..

Investigator1 profile image
Investigator1 in reply to DorsetLady

Oh I know! As I said it’s just a simplistic view, in frustration rather than logic. I just wanted to know what people think.

FrenchDiane profile image

I'm frightened, l have vasculitis MPA ,mpo positive, came home from hospital, Wednesday after a two week stay for a lung infection l have had three Pfizer vaccine,so lm frightened as we return to the UK in October. We are in France at the moment, on return to UK, l will have to find a doctor and a hospital, l need nephrologie and phumologie. So l'm not happy with the government.

Mooka profile image

Love the idea but it won’t happen. I’m really hoping that most places will keep restrictions in place but I will be limiting where I go anyway especially with the school holidays starting at the same time. Keep safe everyone. X

Main1234 profile image

I now ask if they are keeping masks and social distances before I go anywhere. Ask friends to do a lateral flow test before visits( good friends really don’t mind) and see only those who have had both jabs.

We are both retired so easier for us I guess.

Dreading the winter when flu etc will be around as well.

It does seem that people are becoming more aware of what being CEV means and that is due to the amazing work of charities Sue and John for us.

PMRpro profile image

They should introduce a rule that only the double vaccinated can go into a bar/nightclub/other desirable (to them) venue. As soon as it was suggested it might happen here there was a sudden increase in interest in jabs. Same has happened in France.

On Sky this morning they were interviewing nightclub owners - "it's young people, we'll have hand hygiene measures, check people for being unwell, people won't be all over each other, it'll be ventilated..." which just goes to show how little they understand about the delta variant of Covid.

Anyway - within a couple of weeks they'll all be closed because their staff will be isolating - for themselves, their family, their colleagues ...

But Chris Whitty has finally spoken up - but still in science speak which is British and restrained ;) instead of saying that the $h^& is about to hit the proverbial. My A&E staff daughter said last night that waiting times at her A&E are already 11 hours. It is relentless - and the patients mostly need to be admitted. There are still Covid patients who need a bed - not jabbed - and non-Covid patients whose illness got lost in the last year and are now urgent.

May7 profile image

On second thoughts, there seems no hope of a government change of mind, when considering their bland, cold statement that there would be deaths, I can't remember how many they said. They are resuming their herd immunity strategy, and that wouldn't fit with your style of plan Nick.It's like saying there will be collateral damage during war.

We will be the pawns in that war;

the Blackadders and Baldricks sent into the fray by the General Melchetts and their ilk.

Investigator1 profile image
Investigator1 in reply to May7

I have a cunning plan! Stick 2 Knitting Needles up your nose and say you are mad! Mr Johnson

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