Dear Everyone,
I know that we are, now it's Autumn/ Winter, finally clear of that HOT weather- for which I'm extremely grateful😊. However ALL this 'Festive Food' is having a, VERY bad effect, on my poor bowels🤢! I KNOW that I don't HAVE to eat it but.....🙄
Does anyone else 'Suffer' from, all the F..king, Sausage Rolls, Pork Pies, Mince Pies, Cakes, Stolen- absolutely the worst ('plugs' me for days.) and all this, excuse the 'Pun' Crap? I don't mind Turkey or, as I had yesterday, Pork- with all the Trimmings, unfortunately None Of It 'Likes' my Botty much😡! Still ONLY THREE WEEKS, to go...(or there abouts).
After all that HOT weather, during the Summer, I WAS- Past Tense- beginning to Poo, much better, I had even had a few 'accidents'...😄. Maybe come February, you never know.....🤷♂️. I'll just get 'Sorted Out' just, in time, for the Hot weather again😖.
A little Joke, for you all😋- I might well have 'Posted' this elsewhere mind. During a Particularly Long, Christmas Service, a Little Boy, turns to his Mother and says "Mummy I don't feel 'Well'". So, the Boy's Mother, suggests he 'Go Outside For A While'. As Luck would have it Fifteen, or so, minutes later the Service DOES Finally end. The Mother, finds her Son, 'Happily' skipping between the Grave Stones. "Oh, you have 'Perked Up' my love" says the Mother happily😊. "Oh yes Mummy, I'm Much Better now, thank you. I found a Little Box marked 'For The Sick'"🤢. (I wouldn't 'fancy' being, the one, who had to wash 'that one' out!).
Roll on the Spring or, at least, the END of Festive Food.👍
Merry Christmas anyway