curtaneous vasculitis. Hi there. First of all: sorry for Bad english. I cant find similar webcommunity in switzerland, so i am here. I had diagosted by Biopsie my First curtaneous Vaskulitis this may. I am shure i got it after hairremoval with my epilady. My doctors Are saying its not possible that this is the reason for the brakout. Is there just anyone that has the same Problem?
Cutaneous Vaskulitis epilation : curtaneous... - Vasculitis UK
Cutaneous Vaskulitis epilation

Hi there - welcome ! I was warned by my specialist doctors not to have anything like tinting my hair or wax removal of hairy legs when I got my disease until it was settled and under control- don’t know what drugs you are on but I still don’t use wax ... I just shave legs carefully. I would go back and have that looked at - there are specialists in Geneva Bern and Zürich and Switzerland has very good reputation for Vasculitis so make sure you see the right people to get the right advice ... I wouldn’t use the epilady.....
where are you in Switzerland -? Could you get to one of these specialists easily?
Good luck - I travel to Switzerland regularly but always few safe knowing the specialists are there and the village Doctor knows all about Vasculitis — ! Hope that helps !
Hi there! Thank you so much for your replay. Its just like sun to my heart. I Will Not use the epilation again! After first consulation at the dermatologist i changed tu the university Hospital in zürich. I made so many test! Allergietests: all negativ... just the PET-CT shows a aktiv Mioma. Tomorow have an apointment at my Gynekologe (dont know the word in english). I am very nervos... actualy i have no other specialist yet. Just the hispital...
Hi again- talk to your Doctor and ask to be referred to a Vasculitis specialist and/ or get him to do an ANCA antibody test Swiss doctors are usually very good but this disease is so rare, not everybody thinks of this when they first see you Doctor in Leysin didn’t know anybody with it but was fully aware of it and was extremely helpful and caring ... keep asking questions and make sure you get the correct care...
what other symptoms do you have - any joint aches or swelling etc ?! Keep a record of everything you can think of ... good luck !
The Klinik Hirslanden and Klinik Pyramid am see both have Vasculitis specialists within a Rhuematology dept - ask to be referred to one of them
Hi there. I am at the Hirslanden now, for a MRI. They found a very activ Myoma and they want to know Whats going on in my body. I am very affraid they could find cancer. Completly in panic...
Please don’t panic.....even if they do find cancer, remover you are in one of the best hospitals and there are lots of things they can do......I know it’s normal to worry but stress affects our disease so try to stay as calm as you can ....breathe some deep long breaths, try to think of a really lovely place to be , on a beach or a woodland or mountain top......
Let me know how you get on....
I have had Cutaneous Vasculitis since 2015 and currently in remission. I have had some really bad episodes. I don't think yours would have been caused by shaving your legs.
I was told as this is auto immune related something is more likely to have started it. My consultant asked if I had a bad cold or was under stress around the time it started. May I ask what symptoms you have?
Hi there! Thank you very much for your replay. Bevore the epilation and the breakout i had once ore twice a paynful knee after running around with my children on the playground i never had this bevor. Also i had After shaving my legs with the razzor verry itchi skin. Thats the reason why i desided to thake the epilady. As a mother of two little childs i am often stressed. Thats right! Right now i have once or twice a week payn at always different bodyparts. One day at the right, next time in the left knee. Often also in the Upper feet or in the elbow. Also in the archillessehne (dont know the english Word). The pay is always in the evening. Uf its in the knee i cant walk anymore. Behause its stiff and it hurts. Maybee like i bee- bite. The part is red and hot. I know, it sounds stupid. I am frustrated. Sorry my english... Hope you are Fine. Wish you all the best.

Personally, I think you should have this investigated. If you write to Susan or John Mills at VUK they maybe able to help with some advice and sign post you to appropriate doctors.
Just another thought- you could access a web site here in the UK that is incredibly helpful - there you will find lots of information and even helplines and people you can ring and talk too....try it !
Hi Pokimoki, I was diagnosed with Vasculitis GPA in March, after being released from hospital all I wanted to do is have a shower and get myself in "shape" and used an epilator - next morning my skin looked exactly like that. It faded away without any special treatment, just don't use epilator for now. I am six months into my treatment and using it again without problems.
Thank you very much for your message. Its very helpfull for me. I Will Never ever use an epilady again! Hope you Are Fine.