Hi I have recently had my blood checked as I am on azathioprine for my gpa don't take steroids anymore but the Dr phoned to tell me to stop taking azathioprine as my wbc is too low as are my neutrophils is this just a case of stopping until wbc return to normal I understand azathioprine lowers blood counts or do I need a different med
Low white blood count: Hi I have recently had... - Vasculitis UK
Low white blood count

Hi Russellk3, As I understand it Azathioprine suppresses the production of white blood cells (neutrophils being the most common type of WBC). It does sound like the Aza has for some reason started to reduce the WBC to too low a level. There are alternative drugs such as Mycophenolate (which I take). I guess your Dr will first want to further monitor your WBC count to confirm it is the Azathioprine which is causing the reduction before any changes to medication. Chris
Hi Russell you may just need a break from or a lower dose of aziathioprine. I’m on it too & have had to stop for a week or too. Hopefully they will monitor you. Best wishes
Does a low white count cause you to get sicker like flu or cold easier?
I've been taking Aza for 15 years. There have been a few occasions when I've had to take a break from it for a week or so. This has happened when I've had an infection and my white cell count had dropped too low to fight it.
Thanks everyone for the replies I feel well enough I've to come of the azathioprine for a week and see how the blood count goes thanks again