I posted here earlier this year re my symptoms of WG, or was it WG ?
I felt very unwell with sever lethargy, a raised ESR CRP, headache, crusty sore nose, nose bleeds, [ not heavy ] red sore eyes, outer ear ache, tinnitus, hoarseness, heavy hot legs, with pins and needles.
My GP thought it was a flare of my GCA, so told me to increase my steroids, and as I was due to see my Rheumatologist at Addenbrook's the following week [ 6 monthly check ] my GP said to tell him when I got there of my symptoms, he also sent a fax. as he could see how bad my nose was.
The Rheumy arranged for head scan, blood tests, [ ANCA ] eye test, ENT , who ordered a nose biopsy.
Fast forward 6 months.... I saw the Rheumatologist on Wed. who said all tests were negative so I don't have WG although he said there wasn't enough tissue taken of the nose to get a diagnosis, . probably because I was on a higher dose of Pred. which could have masked the results anyway, as with the ANCA test.
I have been reducing my steroid dose on the slow method and Rheumy told me to continue that way, so far so good [ I'm now at 10 mgs ]
All the WG symptoms have gone !!! so was it WG ? [ all the symptoms were there, ] and is it in remission ? I don't suppose I will know, unless I get all the symptoms back and maybe have to go through all the test again.