I would like to ask a question please - can anyone tell me if Scarlett Fever is around your area or at your children's school and what you might have been told by your GP or doctor ( who treats you for your Vasculitis) about coming into contact with those who have or may have been in contact with scarlett fever. thanks x
Scarlett Fever : I would like to ask a... - Vasculitis UK
Scarlett Fever

Hi Suzym2u
My grown up daughter and 3yr old grandson have indeed got this horrible bug. Both on 10 day antibiotic courses. I am staying well clear as is my wife. I am trying to get a response from the hospital and will let you know if and when I do.
have been told to away from chickhen pox but how can u because people walk about with it until spots come out I was in contact with nobody as I am aware of but I got shingles badlely knocked me about for at least two wks stayed in hospital overnight to have antibiotic pumped in to me hope this helps
I didn't even know the condition "scarlet fever" (bacterial) still existed in the advent of public hygiene. Mother had it as a child (she's about 80 odd now) and based on what was described, she had encephalitis from it and nearly died. I do not like to think this type of bacteria is still lurking.

we seem to have some info - and we are told to avoid unnecessary exposure , however if you find you have been exposed to it be very vigilant for any signs of the disease and if you have any doubts consult your doctor immediately,. Scarlett Fever is controlable with antibiotics but they need to be administered as soon as possible.
Yes, we have it around the Winchester area and there are cases in my daughter's school. I'll be looking out for symptoms and getting in touch with my GP quickly if symptoms present.
Hi, I joined this forum becuase my son was investigated cerebral vasculitis because he has retinal vasculitis and uveitis. Thankfully, he doesn't have cerebral vasculitis but the eye problems continue. He is taking methotrexate and there was an outbreak at Scarlett fever at his primary school. To say I was worried would be an understatement but all the advice I was given by his consultants was to send him. Scarlett fever can be treated with antibiotics and not to be overly concerned easier said than done. But that is what we were told. He didn't catch though, thankfully.
Still waiting for a reply from Addenbrookes, disappointing as they are usually on the ball.
Rheumatoid nurse says to keep well away until the last member of the immediate family has been clear of the disease for at least a week. Hope this
makes sense. Hard to do but necessary.