We've planned to go away the weekend of her first infusion and wondering if we should cancel.
Hi, my sister has churg Strauss and is about... - Vasculitis UK
Hi, my sister has churg Strauss and is about to go on to rituximab. What's others experience of the side effects on the first 2 infusions?

Hi I didn't have any problems with side effects of Rituximab despite being very poorly when I had Cyclo previously. I remember when I was about to have my first infusion way back in i2007, we had long standing tickets to see Mamma Mia the Musical, I didn't know whether to go and asked my Consultant. She said if you feel up to it, then go. I think maybe go for the weekend but try not to do too much. You usually have a big steroid infusion before the Rituximab infusion starts and I found that it gave me some extra energy the next day before wearing off. However everyone is different, that is just my experience.
I had 2 infusions of rituximab for WG last year, and apart from feeling abit more tired had no real side effects. That's just my experience though. All the best.
The problem is that it differs from person to person! But the effects were far fewer (for me) than cyclophosphamide. The first one is probably the most likely to cause a problem as it takes the longest and may make your sister very tired....but looking back at some sketchy notes that I made, she should be fine, as long as you both recognise that she will need rest periods. Have a good time!
Sorry, forgot to say, that I definitely felt better after the second infusion than the first.
Thank you all very much for your replies. It's been extremely helpful!!
I have just finished my 4 infusions of Rituximab for MPA I found it to be very mild it did make me very tired but apart from that I was fine I even went back to work between my 3rd and 4th infusion (though I didn't work on the day of my fourth infusion) I actually found I had a stronger reaction to the antihistamine they gave me beforehand than the Rituximab. I think the first infusion is the worst (definitely the longest by far) but I wouldn't cancel your holiday just make sure it takes into account the fact your sister will be tired and need rest.