Some of you may remember that I asked several months ago if anyone had experience of making a complaint. I don't recall getting much feedback. However, after two attempts at making a formal complaint direct to the hospital and not receiving a satisfactory response, I went to the ombudsman. He eventually upheld my case, and as a result I received a further apology and a cheque, in spite of the fact that I hadn't pressed for any financial compensation. The hospital also has to inform me in due course what measures it has taken to improve its procedures.So it is worth pursuing if you feel you have been let down. The only minus to this was that his expert still maintained that the delay did not materially affect the outcome, which I still disagreed with!
Complaining about an NHS trust - a result - Vasculitis UK
Complaining about an NHS trust - a result

Well done.
I think that we can all learn from this that if we believe that our NHS trust has done something wrong that we do not just sit there and take it. It will also, hopefully, improve things for you and other patients.
My husband was a head of a diagnostic unit in the NHS - he encouraged people to complain because if you don't complain they will often try to deny a problem later and it was easier for him to get a complaint logged if it came from a patient. I would like to think it results in a problem being eradicated but I'm afraid it probably doesn't for the first x times.
On a similar tack: if you have an adverse reaction to a drug speak to your pharmacist about reporting it using the yellow card scheme. That is the only way of achieving true adverse reaction rates to combat the marketing rubbish disseminated by the drug companies.
I have had to make a complaint about one aspect of my mums care, two health care assistants broke open her skin on her back by dragging a sling from under her despite her telling them to stop. An unfortunate event as her care had been fantastic until then, one of them was in a rush to finish shift and go home!
I'm waiting for the reply now but I shall bear in mind what you have said if they haven't done something about it.
Shame is 99.9% of good care is marred by one incident...
Hi, I made quite a detailed response stating the poor treatment I had incurred. I never received a response or acknowledgement so assumed it was not considered relevant. Incidentally I am now in correspondence with the CEO of the hospital
Stephen Hewson
I made a complaint to the CEO of a certain NHS Trust following an act of clinical negligence; I got a work of fiction back in return, full of cover-up and lies. I am now in talks with lawyers about litigating, as they may kill someone there one day. I will say no more.
Congratulations on your win.

We do know of one person with Vasculitis who eventually did take their case to a tribunal and lost, it was not concerning late diagnosis but concerning inappropriate treatment. We always encourage anyone with Vasculitis who thinks they have not been treated appropriately by their GP or Hospital to write a letter of complaint and follow it through but sadly by the time people contact us they are so poorly they do not have the physical strength or the courage to fight.
Having Vasculitis does tend to be a post code lottery but in the 13 years since John was diagnosed it has improved immensely and John and all the trustees of Vasculitis UK are working with all the doctors in the UK who have a special interest in Vasculitis to share information and raise awareness within the medical profession. VUK are also supporting Vasculitis Masterclasses for doctors throughout the UK, the International Vasculitis workshop in London, updating the guidelines for diagnosing and treating Vasculitis and the Vasculitis Registry which started last year. The Route Map for Vasculitis is also available to share. Well over 500 hard copies have already been distributed to GP's and hospitals throughout the UK by patients who have Vasculitis. The doctors and specialist nurses on the VUK mailing list database grows by the month and if anyone would like to add their doctor/consultant/specialist nurse to the mailing list please let John know