Is anyone else taking part in the study to d... - Vasculitis UK
Is anyone else taking part in the study to develop classification and diagnostic criteria for primary systemic vasculitis.
is there an explanatory link?
Sorry I don't know, I was approach at my hospital appointment yesterday. It is being run in the UK by university of Oxford Dr Raashid Luqmani. Just checked this website Looked under trials there are a few there.
Is this the one you are taking part in Cath?
Yes, I am a participant in the DCVAS and PEXIVAS studies, and live in Australia
Hi, if you don't mind me asking what type of vasculitis do you have?
I also have MPA (diagnosed in 2012) and I'm a participant in DCVAS and PEXIVAS clinical trials. Quite interesting that participants in these trials are spread far and wide.
I was told I had unspecified vasculitis last year but now they say they are not sure as bloodwork also shows lupus! As my symptoms are all the same as vasculitis they has me to join the study.