Hi team I was recently diagnosed with a staph infection / cellulitis from the IV from a hospital stay. I am on antibiotics now but am concerned due to being a kidney transplant recipient . Has anyone had this before?
Staph infection from IV : Hi team I was... - Kidney Transplant...
Staph infection from IV

I'm three years post transplant and while I haven't had a staff infection, I've had multiple UTI's, one which traveled up to my new kidney and put me in the hospital for three days. As a result, I'm on a low dose of an antibiotic daily to prevent recurrent UTI's. I'm also on another lower dose antibiotic daily to prevent recurrent C-diff from coming back. I'm not thrilled at the idea of taking antibiotics daily, but I'm even less thrilled about more hospital time, which was the alternative. Your team knows what they're doing so your job is to trust them -- or get a new team that you can trust. I'm sure they will only have you on the antibiotic as long as it is necessary to fight the infection. The infection could cause far more damage than the antibiotic. Best wishes!
No, I’ve never heard of this, but you may want to consult with an attorney (if it becomes a serious case) or insurance company (especially if Hospital charges you for the part of the hospital stay addressing the staph). My sister worked in a hospital (Chaplain) and said hospitals are the worst places to get staph, MRSA, and other infectious viruses. Ppl can die from some of these bateria, so watch yourself and keep good records (dates, times, medication used, # of injections, etc.).