Hi all. I am currently 10 days post kidney tx. I’m feeling well and the doctors are very happy with my progress, however, I have a constant pain below the new kidney, kind of in the groin region. It feels like I’ve pulled the muscle there. I’ve had pretty minimal pain from the incision but this is a constant pain that manifests most when I stand up. Is this normal? I realize they would have cut through the muscles there so it may just be a part of normal healing but everything else is improving every day and this isn’t. I would just love to hear from others who may have experienced similar issues.
10 days post transplant question - Kidney Transplant...
10 days post transplant question

I too had a similar pain after my transplant but it disappeared over the next 6 months. I still however get the same twinge from time to time. I am 13 month’s post transplant and my kidney is performing well.
I had that pain too....6 months post transplant and like yahoo999uk, I still get it occasionally.. ....
However, I would certainly mention it at your next appointment just to check with the experts.. ..... they might be able to suggest something.. ..
Best wishes
Hi, it’s where the kidney has been joined to the artery in your groin to give it a blood supply. Mine hurt like hell soon after my transplant but it will heal. Be careful with heavy lifting for a good few months though.
This is common and I will experienced as well. During surgery they might have impacted nerves and when those nerves are healing they will be very sensitive. My pain did not start until about two months afterward and in certain positions it was a tremendous sharp pain. It should disappear over time.
Congratulations on your transplant and good luck with your healing process.
That pull and pain you feel is the blood vessel stretching over to your kidney. It will go away fairly fast.
Glad you are doing well. I had the same kind of pain in that area. It went away after a few weeks. I always felt like I had to hold onto that area to ease the pain. Good luck to you!
Hey I am now nearly 6 months post transplant and yes hunny for about the first 6 weeks it felt like I had strained my groin. But remember they have had to pull and tug to place the kidney so you are bruised internally. I promise you it does get easier. Just take things nice and easy, remember you have just had major surgery and everything just needs to calm down and heal. Try applying a warm towel or hot water bottle but do not have it too hot. You are a warrior and your doing great 👍. Please feel free to message me anytime. And congratulations on your new kidney. 😁😁😁
The pain you feel is the stretching of the ureter as it has been moved to the new kidney. This will go away shortly.
I had awful pain in that region for quite a few weeks after my transplant some times I couldn't walk but it did eventually subside . but if your not getting better have a word with your consultant again . Hope this helps