Hi I am on home haemo dialysis after completing the training course. Can anyone detail the tests that are needed prior to getting on the list. I seem to be going round in circles at my hospital and just get passed from clinic to clinic .i have had blood tests 24 hour ecg
What tests are required before gettin... - Kidney Transplant...
What tests are required before getting on the transplant list?

Hi Colin, if your renal team think you are a suitable candidate for a transplant the first thing they will require you to do is to have a stress test to make sure you are physically suitable for a transplant. This test is normally current for a 5 year period.
After that you would have to go to the transplant clinic and talk through with them and a few more blood tests etc.
Once on the list it is normal to have an annual review with your transplant surgeon/team.
Takes time, don't get stressed about it.
Once on the list the average time (if ever at all) is around 3.5 years.
Hi Colin
I have just gone through the accessment to go on the transplant list and it involved the following:-
Chest x-ray, ECG, heart scan,myocardial perfusion test, loads of bloods and then more bloods within 2 weeks of the first lot. You can appointed a ttransplant co-ordinator, transplant surgeon. If nothing is found the team get together and discuss you and then your either told you are on the list or not.
I've had added complications because of my allergies so needing to go on a drug trial first.
The surgeon will talk about live donors if you have any one in your family or friends that can help. Unfortunately all the people I had tested were found to have health complications.
I've been referred yesterday to have my fistula sorted as my renal function is 7%.
None of the tests where anything to worry about all very straight forward for me.
Good luck and keep us all posted on your profession
Hi Charlene thanks for the information. I had a fistula last october , it didnt work i had 3 further attempts by the surgeon to get it working but there is insufficient flow ldown my veins for it to be needled. At the moment i have a. Chest tasio line which works well . They are currently looking at trying a fistula on my other arm
Hi Colin,
As Charlene says the tests are as she says.
Importantly you will be assessed by interview with your transplant surgeon/team to see if you are mentally ready and suitable, the surdmheonscarr very experienced and are very well able to decide if you are suitable.
One of the questions you may be asked is are you willing to take the drugs that are required for anti-rejection- some people may find it difficult to cope with the amount required to be taken on a regular basis.
Try not to stress about this and I am sure all will be good, it pays to have a positive outlook.
Hi when I was accepted to go on the transplant list, I had lots of blood tests taken, a heart echo test, then a lung capacity test these were all requests from the transplant Dr. After they Dr examined all my test results to see if I was fit enough . I was placed on the list. It took about 3 months from the start of all the tests. I was lucky I was only on the list for 7months. Sandra
There are blood tests, you have to meet with a cardiologist, get hepatitis B and C shots, make sure your routine screenings are up to date. Then you meet with the surgeon and get his approval and you're added to the waiting list.