Nearly two years into kidney transplant, no rejection episodes but have watched my muscle dissolve away!! Wonder about immunosuppressant doses... Prednisolone 7.5mg, Mycophenolate 1440mg and 2mg Tacrolimus.
Has anyone experienced Muscle Atrophy... - Kidney Transplant...
Has anyone experienced Muscle Atrophy after Transplant, Kidney or otherwise?

Have you asked the docs about the muscle wasting? I know pred can cause some of these kinds of issues but less familiar with your other drugs. Also are you on statins? I would def mention it and persist until you get answers as it isn't a healthy thing.
Best of luck.
I mentioned it to my nephrologist many moons ago but he has essentially ignored the problem. However, he did stop my Atorvastatin for many months but that has achieved nothing apart from elevating my cholesterol up to 8.2 consequently I am back on it. I am due to see a Neurologist end of October, hopefully I will have a muscle biopsy and that should tell us more. I do drink a lot of water so I am wondering if I have an electrolyte imbalance. Are Electrolyte tablets safe to take?
I've noticed some muscle wastage. I'm on 5mg Tacro. Also getting big problems in my hands at night with tendonitis. Suggested stopping my Simvastatin to see if was linked. Got worse!
Cortisol. Prednisolone. Long-term use. Muscle-loss from limbs. Fat re-distribution. Moobs. Swollen abdomen appearance.......and more. Cushingoid appearance. A former supremely fit airborne forces soldier/officer still exercising regularly even when dialysing I have yet to come to terms with the profound changes to my physical appearance. Age, of course, is an added factor.